[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5UVzl5WjJGdUlGTjBaWEpzYVc1bklGZG9hWFJoYTJWeS4w/adine-kirnberg.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] As soon as the man in red began performing the arcane gestures, Morgan sprang to action. Though, unfortunately, was too late in preventing the caster from performing his spell. With a sharp clang of metal hitting stone, Morgan's small switch blade harmlessly dinged off the stone wall of the cave. [color=peru]"Tch!"[/color] the old man produced the sound to express his dissatisfaction of the situation. Not only was the caster gone, it seemed that the mace wielding one had a figurative ace up his sleeve and sent a bolt of energy that nearly injured the group's guide. Taking a deep breath and focusing the Ki contained within his body to enhance his agility and mobility, Morgan leaps over his companions in a single bound to the chaotic fray of combat. The human monk then, mid-fall, sets his sights on the mace wielding foe; intending to deliver a deadly falling axe kick to his head. [hider=Status] HP: [color=Green]Healthy[/color] [/hider] [hider=Morgan's Inventory] -Time Worn Walking Stick -Small Switch Blade [b][Thrown][/b] -Durable Knapsack -Leather Bound Notebook x 1 -Smoking Pipe x 1 -Tobaco Tin x 1 -Tinder Box x 1 -Spare Clothes x 1 -Small Bottle of Rum x 1 -Quill x 10 -Inkwell x 5 -Health Potion x 1 [/hider]