[quote=@Mae] [@DTHar][@Lauder] I hadn't thought about inventory in depth, tbh, I'm so used to having parties start at level 1 recently: - No healing potions - No antivenom Max 1 Alchemist Fire Max 2 Acid Sorry if that messes anyone up who has already bought stuff [/quote] Oh! I had Antitoxin. No sweat, I'll just swap it out. On that note though, can we have [i]poison[/i]? Cause I was eyeing some of those, and with the Antitoxin money refunded, Ardour might go for some of that. Also, is Truth Serum okay? He carries some suspicious shit, I swear. The next few days are going to be a bit hectic, but I think I'm otherwise ready to start. Gonna fine-tune the inventory based on the answer, and working on the interaction with Cao atm.