Flint was somewhat disappointed as Valar evaded the attack once more with and used his powers to darken the area. Not only that, but they were encircled in a ring of fire. The small blessing was that he was trapped in there with them as well and such a small area to move around could be used to their advantaged. Most importantly though, at least Valar wasn't a Logia user, so he was only somewhat irritating to fight as opposed to maddeningly so. He listened to Alisa speak and nodded. He rolled another grenade towards where thought Valar was. It more of a measure to keep him from doing anything too fancy by controlling his movement with an explosion. He the deftly braced his sword and got into a position to block the attack with the flat of his blade. "Got ya' Cap'" was all he said to her as he awaited the impact of the blow against his sword.