I've been taking a break from the site, recently (okay, it's been a LONG break, but I'm still in an active RP!), but I'm hoping to try and get back into things. And this story is both similar to one I've been in before, and [i]highly[/i] interesting. I just have a couple of questions, if you don't mind? 1. I presume that this is our nitty-gritty-man-vs-god sort of story, where humans are completely and utterly average? No X-Men, no magicians, etcetera? Just thought to check. 2. I know your stance on modern characters like Godzilla and such, but what about creatures from older legends/folklore? Are those out of the picture, too? I'm not sure if I want to play a monster yet, but if I am, got to know where things stand. 3. With this in mind, how 'legendary' can our characters be? Presumably, we don't want them to be like, the head honcho or anything. Again, I'm asking so that I can know what the absolute limit is.