Her trek had helped clear the pain that the officers had brought about. She wandered about the area, though her route had seemed random from a topographical look it was clear she knew exactly where she was heading. [b]"To be low impact, what does that mean precisely?"[/b] She questioned a nearby abomination, more or less to entice it to attack her.Despite it once being human, a being having the remnants of humanity or even sentience mattered not, Zero showed not a trace of hesitation as she drew her blade. However despite herself, she had to think about her objective before engaging with her enemy. [i]'Low impact means to pass through without anyone knowing it? Perhaps its with a low mortality rate....Perhaps it is similar to the tact.'[/i] The creature clearly was not skilled in combat, nor was it a natural predator. Zero did not even look at the creature as she cut it down, she was far more interested in solving the mystery of the stipulations of the contract. More of them had approached, but the whistling of her blade and the crystallizing cold made short work of the disgusting trash. Once more from an outside view it would have seemed a rehearsed dance rather than impromptu reaction. After it was all said in done she grabbed the bridge of her nose, and audibly grunting. Her thoughts had settled making her once more aware of her surroundings. Looking about at her work she shakes her head, what ever low impact was....A frozen street corner complete with morose sculptures at varying stages of death....[b]"I believe this is going to be too impact."[/b] She sheathed her chilled blade but clutched the sheath. It making for a makeshift distraction from the pain. The pain seems to be a bit more than she is used to as she sits upon the ground, perhaps waiting for it to pass?