[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5hNzA2MTEuVFVGVFZFRlMuMAAAAA,,/as-long-as-i-can-hold-my-breath.regular.png[/img][h3][color=fbec5d]Day of Reckoning III[/color][/h3] [@Old Amsterdam][/center] The world was starting to crumble around them. With everything that was going on right now, Kendall was getting scared with every second that passed by, with more and more of the world shattering as it went on and on. That... that was their parents. Those two weren't looking good at all, rather close to Death's door if anything. It shook Kendall to their core, though they couldn't even imagine how Lillian was feeling after seeing what she saw. Everything faded into a blurry, black and white mess as the only thing they could see in color was Behemoth over a few buildings. Whatever the heroes were doing to stop the monster in its tracks, Kendall was unsure if anything was actually working. He just... took everything that people could throw at him and retaliate by turning them into red mist. There was almost nothing that anyone could do. A loud noise erupted from overhead, and Kendall looked up to see it. The building that they and Lillian were beside was coming down, and a bit of rubble had broken off, falling down towards the two. The tarry hero had one instinct on their mind as they jumped into action. [color=fbec5d]"Lily![/color] [color=firebrick]MOVE!"[/color] Mastar erupted once again as she shoved Lillian, pushing the teen out of the way of the rubble before glancing up at it just about to hit her. She had a split second of time to react, so she tried her hardest to morph down to her tarry form as quick as she could. She had moved just slightly before the building decided to slam into her, clipping a strong hit onto the tarry hero and leaving her on the ground. If she had been faster and in her full tar form, she probably wouldn't be unconscious. Instead, there was blood on the concrete, and Mastar was out cold. [hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjRkOWUwMC5VR2h2Wlc1cGVBLCwuMAAA/my.scars.png[/img] [h3][color=437c17]From the Ashes IV[/color][/h3][/center] [color=437c17]"Get these guys to safety!"[/color] Phoenix rushed forward to a random Mover in the street. She didn't have the time to ask for names, she just had the parents of a Ward in her arms and she needed them to get to safety before they completely faded... oh god, the mother was already unconscious! Fuck fuck fuck! [color=coral]"Uh... Phoenix, right? I don't think these people are able t-"[/color] [color=437c17]"I don't give a shit! Get them to safety at least! We don't have time to talk!"[/color] Phoenix demanded as they looked at Behemoth in the distance, starting to charge towards the monster. On her way, she saw the corpse of a six-armed gunslinger, as well as a dragon-girl get slammed out of the sky by a bolt of lightning. She... probably didn't survive. Phoenix almost cracked down and started to cry as she ran, but she shook her head and kept running towards Behemoth. Though, when the sound of a thundering roar sounded from the beast, she turned to the side and booked it to a nearby building. She inspected her body for any damages once inside. Sure enough, her entire arm was gone. Great, she'd have to die to get that back. [color=darkviolet]"You're Phoenix!"[/color] Some random kid shouted from in the same room as her, the kid carrying... quite the big gun. Almost comically oversized for the kid to be wielding, and... it kinda looked like something from that one videogame her friend had. Cratchet and Lank? [color=437c17]"You got that right, kid. What're you fucking holding?"[/color] [color=darkviolet]"I'm G4M3R, sorry to meet you on such bad conditions, but that's unimportant. This,"[/color] G4M3R presented the gun with both of his arms outstretched, smiling wide at his handiwork. [color=darkviolet]"Is the R.Y.N.O, or Rip-Ya-a-New-One. I'm a tinker with specialization in Video Game tech, and this is from Ratchet and Clank. It's a pretty powerful weapon, to be honest."[/color] [color=437c17]"Yeah yeah that's great, but are you sure that thing'll be able to hurt Behemoth? That cowboy over there just died from using his own guns."[/color] [color=darkviolet]"This thing'll do something, I guarantee that. I just... I can't get close enough to use it on the big fucker without getting hurt."[/color] Phoenix thought for a moment, and settled on crouching down with her back facing G4M3R. [color=437c17]"I can get you close, but I'm unable to get you through the death field. Think you can get a clear shot if I can get you close to him?"[/color] [color=darkviolet]"Yep!"[/color] G4M3R clambered onto the back of Phoenix, holding onto her with one hand while carrying the RYNO in the other. [color=darkviolet]"Let's go!"[/color] With a good step, Phoenix charged towards Behemoth once again, carrying on her back a walking AA cannon.