[b]Miss Alice Revya Rose[/b] Huh. Seemed someone was friendly down in these parts. She wasn't expecting that. That's why she volunteered for the job. The male seemed to think she was rather strong. [i]"Well..."[/i] She was interrupted by the sound of more street rats. Though rather than the actual perpetrator, they seemed to think another passer-by was guilty. [i]"It's more like you're weak. You're admitting that when you call someone else strong."[/i] She didn't seem to rag on him for it, nor did the woman known as Alice seem to care about his shape, outfit, or the odd situation for salutations. Maybe she was too busy watching the odd beat down that occurred in front of their eyes. She already had a piece of the pizza out, and was munching on it as if the scene was nothing more than a sound disoriented movie. [i]"They'd probably call him strong. I wouldn't."[/i] The fight finished, Revya doing nothing more than watching. It certainly didn't look like it would be a prolonged battle. Once this friendly guy left, she could pillage what the thugs had in their pockets. But he didn't leave. Not before the more imposing guy had already left, thugs dealt with. Miss Rose was about to approach the subject of what the hell the remaining guy wanted, when another character showed up on scene. Well, at least she got to finish her pizza slice. The approaching man seemed to be rather purposeful, and straightforward at least. Staring blankly at his arrival, she watched him ask her recent acquaintance on who the other more recent acquaintance was. After introducing himself, sort of. Was a fake name even an introduction? But seeing him extend his hand, Revya saw her chance to get rid of one trouble, at least. She casually swung the messed up box of pizza around, placing it in Phoenix's outstretched hand before Dirk could react. [i]"That'll be $8.99 plus any tips."[/i] A simple and clear expectation without any hint of malic, slyness, or even humor.