[hider=Kingdom of Svedira] Kingdom of Svedira. [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/l7jVL03lOrI2JkloOfgoY_4QEtN5LUJZpapwNMSRpmjEEffFR-iFBNQzjZpm89jpi88s7LXzXMKHy7x8UGDflc4NsGwjwKtuM9V2roaO6NLm5DmtTShCQRT8D_BizRksOpLIIZoe_ung9oMdxxeim21MfMciSJ0rRV6gkxLB245XqoTy0fEF9rDMIbcgfLyxldF4wDv38Z6QJHk5ZFJ1vHMOOHlnBsv5Dw9Dmob_6a06y30YSs30BKTMI8fUzMIraPvA4UBCR6ilkj1IBeu8PvI34n9nOLV3WbeTRa80F6RdBbZ18lxcly71PAszkBIGuUsE99_9sjIE7TB1M6qq9-RVSe28EBmK-XZCuswnz9kmicFoGFnsP3Z52pcZXDlKPchQomzW40D1UbYnlwwMb1R7P75t9nTrwMFP3fLcAqcQlpWaQydqiczyJSyOXSOrpKb8jmtRmc6xdc9TeknBDVc_AhMRzTM5OWgkdeyA7IBIbqnFIjcOAKff8KSnNFwWENy4QOekXs2MdJBUhEWmjTfBq8k6vnzBuA98FS1GrmpGFsGcZnR8OTl3yCbkrKBTigvAiuWfQtVGLnis_0WpPOSGb-YHSSICrHrdfNZLw_e5mrb-bAujGsu5vfyBJ8A-JqkumHohvMoNYMRGTQq_qMBzf67R7gA=w1000-h750-no[/img] The flag of Svedira is in three parts, at times the parts hang vertically. The charge is then turned so that it always is upright. [hider=Geography:] Svedira lands are almost exclusively mountainous. Steep slopes, rocky platous and the odd glacier here and there. Forests exist but they are deep and dark and steeped in folklore and mystique. Wood isn't a commonly utilized material at all in Svedira and so the woods are left almost alone since the middle ages. [/hider] [hider=Geographical Location of Country:] probably neighbouring Vercigetorix [/hider] |Country Size:| Roughly Small. Each square pixel of the map is around 256 kilometres, or 16x16 kilometres. [hider=Cities:] Cities: Logusû The grand Capital of the kingdom of Svedira. A tiered fortress carved into a mountain with the royal palace at the top. Large parts of the town has been clad in red marble and Logusû is known as the "Red city" to many. The sun reflects on the gold trims of the palace and in the red marble of the city which makes it a beautiful place. Pross This city is far less impressive. Constantly covered in black smoke, the smokestacks outnumber the population it would seem and there is always noise of industry somewhere. This is the biggest producer of Steel in Aeagan. And coal comes out of the mountain on large conveyor belts in an unending stream. Sentra Much less of a city but more of a massive village, it is here the majority of the farms of Svedira reside. Since the entire place is strewn along cliff faces and mountain-tops, even more so than Logusû and Pross the area is exhausting to hike through and vehicles are basically useless. But an experiment with a strength suit similar to the warsuit is at times used to carry things. But the best way to automate this area is with expensive lift contraptions. [/hider] [hider=Natural resources:] There is one thing that exist in the moutains of Svedira above all else. Coal. Coal has fueled the state ever since it was first found in the rocky slopes during the middle ages and it has been mined ever since. The massive veins seem to have no end and the sky runs black from all the coal fires. One of the primary uses of the coal is to smelt the high quality iron which is abundant as well in the mountains of Svedira. With their age old focus on coal and steel, their metallurgical knowledge of this material is unsurpassed in Aeagan and none produce finer steel than Svedira steel. However, this doesn't imply a great versatile knowledge of metallurgy. For other metals have always been seen as inferior. They never saw the use of aluminum as anything other than interesting plates for nobility, gold is pretty but lack strength, tungsten and chromium are not even common knowledge. The primary source of food is from the Gosser-goat, a mountain goat indigenous to the mountains of Svedira and is fat from eating the roots of the Toppler herb. The herb growing along all sorts of slopes but is tricky to farm since it require a moss covered stone base. A staple in Svedira cooking is Toppler root with Gosser meat. The Gosser-goat is also the source of wool that the vast majority of clothes in Svedira is made. Thick sturdy cloth which many people find itchy. But it's warm and strong. Other common things are copper, lead, basalt, stone, uranium and marble. [/hider] [hider=People & Culture:] The people of Svedira are hardy, tall, somewhat stout and has a marvelous balance. Natural climbers all, those who weren't good has been waned off through natural selection. Svedirans also have a great sense of national pride, seeing their history of being oppressed minority. They took the mountain for themselves and NO ONE will take it from them. Otherwise the Svedirans are kind and helpful folks, always ready to give a hand to a neighbour or a stranger. [hider=Cultural oddities] If you are offered goat milk in a wooden bowl, it means you have been accepted as a member of the family. It is seen as a big deal in Svedira. Teens often climb to a ledge near the village in the night and drink and shout over the glaciers. The drunk quires of bassy shouting is seen as providing good luck in the future and to be invited along is a sign of friendship. Tossing rocks down the mountain is seen as causing bad luck. Loudly counting 1, 2, 3, 4 doing a thing and finishing off with a 5 is common practice. No one knows the origin. An example is jumping a gap. 1,2,3,4 HUPP! 5!!! With 5 after landing. Looking an outsider in the eyes and rubbing oneself with wool cloth is seen as an insult, implying the outsider is weaker than Svedira folk. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Population:] Roughly 8 million people. [/hider] [hider=Demographics:] WIP minority from other country here. Large majority of population. [/hider] [hider=Government:] Absolute monarchy. [/hider] [hider=Ruler:] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568557726943281158/576916076131254279/145ef1143ce2e2326ae10c7779b6cafe.png King Vasil Svediri, lord of Logusû, king of the highest land, ruler of Pross. "The good king of the mountain." The king of Svedira is a rather young king at 24, taking over from his father King Frerik Svediri II who died of pneumonia at the ripe age of 64, may he advice us all in Zevo. Vasil has ruled since he was 14 but only recently at age 18 really got to the part of ruling, since up to that point he was still very much still in royal training to become king. Learning the arts of science, economy, diplomacy but also painting, poetry and longsword fencing. (Where he got his scar on his lip.) His strength was never in the physical department, unlike the Svediran kings of old who were broad shouldered giants of men, he is far more slender in appearance. This doesn't mean that he is small by international standards at 1'82cm in length. During his rule king Vasil has encountered problems in how to rule Svedira. Unlike his father, who was a warmonger and the reason Svedira is so ludicrously militarized in its current state. Vasil is trying to go the fine line of catering to the will of his people, while aiming for lasting peace for his kin. Which is difficult with the resentment and at times even still raging hatred for the empire of Vercingetorix and other neighbouring lands. King Vasil is however still hard at work and his biggest project so far is finally done, the first international Svediran rail-line, which goes to the corax dominion. This is the first of his many steps in his plan to create lasting peace with his surrounding countries. The primary obstacle for the good king is ironically enough his own populace, who are often nationalistic and proud to worrying lengths. Always ready to fight the enemies of Svedira and often with a faultless loyalty to the king. So Vasil must be careful with his choices and decisions or risk alienating his subjects. [hider=Royal family] King Vasil also has two sisters. Karina Svediri. A long haired beauty with a stern face. She is 26 and advices the king on political matters. Her intellect is large and the king much values the input of his sister in matters of the state. She owns the foundry which produces most of the blimps of Svedira, giving her great influence in the air traffic of Svedira. Veroniq Svediri. Dark blonde unlike her siblings, she is 20 years old and was the reason their mother died because of complications at birth. This has affected the young lady and while no one else blames her, she secretly blame herself. She is very artistic and keep her guilt at bay with fine art. She advises the king on matters of culture and art and is semi in charge of the royal art museum in Logusû. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Volksgeist:] The national identity of Svedira is their strong sense of freedom and a feeling of belonging in the mountain. To be Svediran is an honor and a duty, that duty is to Svedira which means its king. It is also a very martial society, everyone, including the women, are trained to fight with some sort of hand to hand weapon since the middle ages, in modern times this now incorporated firearms and every family is by law required to have a firearm per family and one weapon per member of the house of fifteen years or older. Chivalry is a common notion and it is particularly common in Logusû, where knights are commonplace even in the modern age. Honor is however not that important to Svedirans, or at least not in the common sense. To break the law is ugly and frowned upon in society and the rules of war are held onto with great respect and seriousness. The only exception to this is towards Vercingetorix Where it is not uncommon to toss out the civil laws of war and go to borderline war crimes because of the deep rooted resentment and hatred for their ancient foe. Factories have not really taken off either so a large portion of the production is made by artisans. Making the supplying of the military costly but the quality of the equipment is outstanding since the craftsmen take their job at the utmost of serious. [/hider] [hider=Religion:] The people of Svedira has roughly the same religion it had when it was Nehrvak, an ancestor based religion called nothing at all. By others it's referred to as ancestor worship or paganism or heathendom. The core belief is that if you remember your ancestors, they never truly die, and when one dies one goes to a realm known as Zevo. Zevo is different for everyone, one can temporarily visit in life during intense meditation or spiritual enlightenment (hallucination) and it always takes a place of serenity for the worshipper. If visiting Zevo, one can ask for guidance and if the ancestors want to, they answer. When one dies one is in a limbo, in Zaak. But as people remember them, and particularly after a remembrance ritual one enters Zevo to live with the ancestors. Zevo isn't a paradise where one lives forever, but more like where ones soul exist and it can reform to answer questions. To end up in Zidenûs is to be forgotten, people speak not of this fate. But those who have done heinous acts that makes someone deserve to be forgotten end up there. It is never defined but it's a horrible place. Only the worst are wished to end up there. To end up in Zaak is not as bad. While Zevo is tranquil and Zidenûs is anguish. Zaak is nothing. Some people even prefer to be forgotten, but it is seen as a choice of ones peers if one deserves to be remembered or not. To feel one wants to end up in Zaak and tell this to others is often met with comfort and support. It's a melancholy state similar to depression if not actually depression. A common saying is "Remember the fallen." Since they are heroes to Svedira and because of this people doesn't fear death as much as in other nations. Sure they fear it, but it's a more tranquil response than most other faiths. [/hider] [hider=History:] What is now a simple province in the east of the empire of Vercingetorix, the former kingdom of Nerhvak resides forgotten and without history. In the middle ages, during the years the empire expanded the most the Kingdom of Nehrvak was targeted for occupation, but what was supposed to be a peaceful occupation took a poor turn when incompetence, fear and misunderstanding combined which resulted in one of the most famous genocides in history, 'the great march'. The empire of Vercingetorix pushed hard diplomatically for annexation of Nehrvak, the king gave in and as imperial soldiers patrolled the streets, he took his own life with a dagger . This unknowingly sent a message to the populace, there can be no life under the empire and as such a monstrous proportion (in modern times counted to be roughly 98%) of the population decided to leave Nehrvak. The occupation was led by general Polter whom was ill equipped and had poor instructions apart from "Seize Nehrvak and its people for the empire, peacefully." But when the population simply stood up and left he was completely surprised and had little idea of a good solution. He decided that the order was "Peacefully, if possible!" And began to force the refugees to stay. Widespread fear of the empire and less than optimal conditions led to violence, often imperial troops shot in the air just to be cut down from behind by frantic farmers. Having taken firearms, the situation escalated. Where some parts of the refugee horde had formed into a makeshift militia others simply ran for their lives. No side was completely free of blame in the great march but what is known is the escalation. The Nehrvak refugees kept on their march, and reached the mountains of Svedira. The Svedira mountains used to be far to uninhabitable for most settlers. And had it not been for outside influences the refugees of Nehrvak would certainly never have settled there. Thousands upon thousands lost their lives during the great march. Which led to the mountains of Svedira. Now having nowhere to flee but up the mountains they took the latter choice, the climb claimed hundreds of lives, the weather thousands more since winter was in full swing. But in the end the refugees found the large valley of Pross. Here they began to make their new life. The army of Polter not having the resources nor will to follow them into the mountains there and then sat up a siege to later sent to drag them out by force. By then the refugees had begun to fortify the mountains, landslides planned and precision strikes from flanks and above often killing many many more than they lost. Now it was settled, the mountains of Svedira had been their salvation, so now they would be the people of Svedira. For years the army of Polter assailed them, but as time passed the empire got news of the situation. The entire operation had gone nothing like they planned and they realized they'd made an enemy where they planned to get a new province. General Polter was degraded and court marshalled, the army was sent to other duties. The 20 year old siege had ended and now the people of Svedira were fully settled in the mountains. The old hatred settled as well and instead resentment set in. But set on showing themselves as the better people they began to build the Capitol of Logusû, it would be the crown jewel of the mountains of Svedira, a gemstone upon the tallest top. In reality it's not on the highest mountain, but it's still a marvelous place which is breathtaking to all who see it. At the advent of steam, the empire came back, but this time with another strategy. For now coal was needed, and a lot of it. Coal which was abundant in Svedira and everyone wanted it. The empire sought to open trade with Svedira, other nations vied for the mineral rich mountains but couldn't get a hold on them. For decades the wars, skirmishes and sabotage was claiming lives on both sides. The conflict making the Svedirans more and more martial in nature. Preferring heavy armour and close quarter fighting, they often triggered a landslide followed by charging in and massacring the survivors. In latter years with the advent of firearms the heavy guns of Svedira are feared by their enemies. Only in the very latest years have Svedira had peace, a troubled cease-fire with a great attempt at trade. Svedira has constructed a single train line with a single armoured train. It is always manned with a thousand elite soldiers and it goes to the corax dominion largely funded by corax. It's goal is to sell coal in exchange for goods that cannot easily be obtained in the mountains. It is a shaky cease fire, very expensive for Svedira and barely worth it. But they are determined to prove they are the better people and to make it work. For if they can have peace would that not be best? [/hider] [hider=Armed Forces:] The Svediran military is a massive part of their budget, almost 10% of it goes to fortifications alone. What this does however is put loads of workers in jobs, which in turn feeds families and the economy. 'The steel of Svedira is worn' is a common saying and it shows, the sturdy folk of the mountains wear an exorbitant amount of armour compared to other militaries soldiers and the tradition forged from constant infantry tactics have set the land into a technological mess. Large parts of the society is still in the middle ages in a way, military vehicles are barely used and those that are are solely steam tech. The modern invention of diesel tech is solely used on the armour of the infantry and the lone oil pump and refinery in Pross is guarded by a comparably ridiculous force for such a facility. But considering it's important for the working of the Svedira combat suits it's no wonder it is so meticulously guarded. There are three major wings of the military. The ranger corps, the infantry and the royal guard. All of them supplied with gas masks as standard. [hider=The ranger corps] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4b/9e/8f/4b9e8fd475fe25d8e84b021f3c67b3fa.jpg[/img] Estimated 50'000 soldiers. The most active of the forces in Svedira, they are tasked with border security. Seeing how the vast majority of the borders of Svedira is mountainous the regular combat suits of the infantry is not practically plausible. Instead they wear a 'Light armour' as the Svedirans refer to it. Compared to the armour of other nations however it's a hulking mass of steel capable of stopping pistol bullets and some light calibre or powder rifles. Armed with a break action rifle, built to mimic the muskets of old. They are accurate rifles firing non-enriched uranium bullets. Which are dense, heavy and poisonous and with a copper casing and steel tip that has marvelous armour piercing qualities. The 'light' armour is at times bought by militia as part of the armed family law. [/hider] [hider=The infatry corps] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/18/05/c01805b1ccbb1ab6924f9c3d6ffac595.jpg[/img] Estimated 100'000 soldiers. The heavy lifters, heavy hitters and primary force of Svedira. The infantry wear what is known as 'medium armour' which is a fully functional battlesuit for the common soldiers. In their constant search for heavier armour for their infantry, Svedira has come to the point as to where they give their infantry these, the 'Mountainside warsuit', an exoskeleton providing support and strength for the heavy metal plates and their heavy weapons, the light portable cannon. The cannon is a 40mm bolt action cannon that can fire uranium penetrators similar to the rangers, explosive, gas and incendiary rounds. However the gas and incendiary rounds are prone to misfire so are not used frequently nor en masse. The warsuits are clunky and often hot and sluggish, but while their movements might not be gracious, they can take a beating. Regular pistols do no harm against them and it takes a heavy rifle to have any chance of a certified penetration, and even then the shot will have lost a lot of its force. Special troops. Trench-sweepers. [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/259c75f0-ec7d-45d8-9824-4794be22d4e8/d4czezo-8835dda8-7ed8-4786-9fd5-a71c43239c5b.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_830,q_75,strp/steampunk_knight_by_progv_d4czezo-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODMwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMjU5Yzc1ZjAtZWM3ZC00NWQ4LTk4MjQtNDc5NGJlMjJkNGU4XC9kNGN6ZXpvLTg4MzVkZGE4LTdlZDgtNDc4Ni05ZmQ1LWE3MWM0MzIzOWM1Yi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.Ofp57Loj7meenoLVyjt8_xmdtdi9Y_9BMQ8AqajVzDo[/img] These soldiers are uncommon and wear the 'Fortress warsuit', the heaviest suit available to Svedira together with a cyclic 12mm machine gun which fires similar uranium penetrators as the ranger corps in rapid succession. One or two of these soldiers are covered so they can get into the trench of the enemy and from there just wade through it and spew death in front of them. In their left arm they often carry a warsuit sized warpick, to pry open doors, armour plates and lightly armoured vehicles. Some trench-sweepers carry a flamethrower instead of the chaingun. Another variation is the 18,5mm chain-shotgun loaded with uranium pellets and producing a rapid firing shotgun which devastates unarmoured foes. [/hider] [hider=The royal guard.] [img]https://1eu.funnyjunk.com/pictures/Steampunk+templar+vort+vort+jerusalemhttpswwwdeviantartcomjohnsontingartkhtsoftheorder478659903_9f2354_6771745.jpg[/img] Estimated 10'000 elite soldiers. To be a royal guard is to be the finest of the Svediran military, chosen solely on merit and after that further trained, these soldiers are the elite and it shows. Unwilling to don such cumbersome armour as the warsuits, they wear a superior version of the 'light armour', capable of standing up to small rifles with some dependency. Their primary defence however is their skill and their speed. Capable of running as fast as an unarmoured man in his armour, these soldiers have few equals. They are the best suited to fighting in either long range or intense close quarters. They carry blades as a sign of office but make no mistake, they are equally highly trained and lethal with the sword as a rifle. The rifles and pistols are the same type as the ranger corps utilize but of obvious better quality. The swords are of magnificent quality tempered steel and thus cannot pierce armour that well. But against infantry that seldom matters in this age. A final truth about the royal guard is that few know how utterly devout they are to the king. Not even the king knows, but he knows of a few events in the past. For several times in history, the royal guard has gone against the orders of the military to 'better serve and protect the king', something which can be a potential problem within the kingdoms armed forces. In history generals have been ignored and even literally pushed out of the way for a royal guard. [/hider] [hider=Fun facts] Svediran engineers was the proud inventors of the escalator. [/hider] [/hider] |People of Interest:| None yet. |Starting Tech:| Hurr durr, lvl 5 infantry :P [/hider]