[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/jYqOTPr-hJLJsgjoioU8IeG-fDRIu8WlRkTNN8CvSfE/https/78.media.tumblr.com/2ab89af0fb5751c9d5ae666f24ca95b4/tumblr_pbwt0dYgzh1w6599so1_1280.png[/img] with Chieko "El Gran Chuunni" Okawa and Aerith "INSERT HUMOROUS NICKNAME THAT IS GOOGLE TRANSLATED HERE" Hastings[/center] [hr] [color=c1ba46]"Cultists, you say? Well, I'm not surprised."[/color] The other two seemed to be on the same page as him, at least as far as knowing that there was impending danger to the city. But one of them did not seem to be taking the news as seriously as they should. Perhaps she was under the impression that they had time to spare? Such assumptions, in Alistair's opinion, would only lead them to ruin. But he wasn't here to argue with them. No, quite the opposite. He had a gut feeling they'd only make it through this by cooperating, perhaps brought on by the string of events that transpired when they arrived in this strange land. Alistair's goal now was to get a solid grasp on both what had happened, as well as to preemptively prepare for what would happen. And in this pursuit, he would need to ally himself with both of these girls, as well as the other two, if they had any chance of getting through unscathed. But with the topic changing to something much less palpable, it was obvious that there were gaps that needed to be filled. Though truth be told, he didn't recall seeing Aerith in that brief time spent alongside the witches, and it was rather obvious she was probably not privy to the events that took place there, either. For whatever reason, it seemed she was not there for arguably the most important event of their short time here. [color=c1ba46]"You mean to say you didn't know? Then I think we should take a moment to catch you up, Aerith."[/color] Alistair was about to, perhaps a bit too bluntly, fill Aerith in on perhaps the worst part of the whole ordeal, but luckily, Chieko had done so in a way that was much kinder than he could have. That said, she said something that caused Alistair to reflect on the fact he wasn't in the know on everything that happened, either. He could probably use a bit of teaching as well. Alistair glanced at Chieko. [color=c1ba46]"I believe the best path for us all to take is to at least be caught up and cooperative before an incident of that magnitude occurs. So, if you're busy with a job, then lets get it done and speak at the same time."[/color] he personally invited himself to be a part of whatever it was she was doing. It didn't seem like it would be up for debate, either. [color=c1ba46]"Besides, it doesn't sound like you're living off of charity and goodwill. Whatever crowd you've fallen in with isn't too bad, I hope?"[/color] It was difficult to tell if his words were driven by sympathy for a soul bound by the same string of fate that his was, or if it was merely born of selfish concern that something could potentially affect him. Either way, he offered those words, and then switched his focus once again to Aerith, as he had an inquiry. [color=c1ba46]"I admit that I was never given a clear picture on what you guys faced while I was with the Captain. But I imagine what you guys went through wasn't exactly pleasant. This all said, I'm curious as to that choice of wording. We've long since past the stage of being uncomfortable with the notion of death between us, yes?"[/color] he looked at both of the girls, his potential allies, and then curiously asked. [color=c1ba46]"What does 'left' in this context mean, then?"[/color]