Penelope trailed after her father as he lead the way to Great Hall. There was a comfortable enough silence between the two, her father not being the talkative type and the knight still trying to shake off the lingering sleepiness she felt. Off handedly, she found it a bit strange that John had waited for her to get breakfast. He'd likely been up for a while now and even if he had been helping Tybalt in handling Adam, there surely should have been time for him to grab food either before or in between. Suddenly she felt her sleepiness completely disappear as an exciting thought made her heart begin to beat a little faster. Her mind wandered to their conversation the night before and she wondered if this meant he was going to begin telling her about her mother. Encouraged by that thought, she picked up her pace slightly, following him with an eager bounce in her usual step. However, the two didn't make it all the way to the Great Hall. "Vermillion!" A voice sounded from behind them and they both turned to see a young guard hurrying over. "Yes?" they both replied simultaneously. They exchanged an awkward glance then looked over to the guard who faltered for a moment as he seemed to realize he needed to specify which Vermillion he was addressing. "Ah, John I mean, sorry." he said, scratching the back of his head. Clearing his throat, his gaze focused on the older knight. "Tybalt's requesting for you right now. Apparently he's still having some issues with settling Fischbach down." John nodded his head and then glanced over at Penelope. "I better go then. Good luck with the letters." he muttered to his daughter before turning to the younger guard and gesturing for him to lead the way. Penelope watched him go and let out a disappointed sigh. It seems whatever his reason had been for trying to catch breakfast with her would have to wait for another time. She turned and walked the rest of the way to the Great Hall alone. Once she reached the room, she eagerly glanced around for Crow and Naida, though she doubted she'd catch the princess since she was usually there early. Spotting neither of them, she eventually made her way over to an empty table, settling down alone for now. However, it wasn't long before someone made their way over to join her. It just, unfortunately, wasn't the company she was hoping for. "Well, well I hope you're pleased with yourself." Alden growled as he settled in across from her. Penelope eyed the nobleman with distaste. She hadn't dealt with him very much but she had the feeling that he wasn't much better than his father. And he was clearly just as hostile. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she asked irritably. "My father got attacked because [i]you[/i] left the wing unguarded. Don't try to deny it now!" Alden huffed. "You're as mad as your father. I was just following orders." she rolled her eyes at him. "Sure you were. We know where you stand Vermillion, we're not fools." "Well you certainly act like fools." she muttered dryly. Alden clenched his jaw angrily and seemed prepared to respond to the insult but didn't get the chance to as a new, familiar voice jumped in. "Why don't you go bug someone else, Alden." Cedric grumbled as he stepped over to the table. The two men shot glares at each other and Alden slowly stood up. "Don't act tough when you barely even know how to wield a sword." Alden snorted. "I can only handle one vermin at a time so I'll take my leave." he stated as he glanced between the two before his gaze settled on Penelope. "Just know we're watching you Vermillion." he growled before turning and leaving. Cedric watched him go before moving to sit down across from her. "What the hell is he talking about?" he asked as he shot one last glare at the other man's back before focusing his gaze concernedly on Penelope. "Nothing I'm worried about." she responded with a dismissive wave. Now in what she thought to be better company, she stuck up a casual conversation with Cedric as the two waited for their meals to be brought over.