Noemi just nodded. Most people were rather rough around mechanics and she did not expect to be treated with too muhc care. She also did not care all too much about this. She wanted to live her life and be free and that's what she did. So a little bit of harshness would not stop her "Sounds like a deal, I see what I can do." To be honest she would never, in no way, nbe able to meet the limit of one hour if the parts where not to be found in the junk. While Alexis went to the AI she went back up into the ship again to scan which parts she would need. Some things were really easier done with a device - like the scanning. A slight vibration at her wrist indicated when each scan was complete. She nodded and helped herself back to the ground, grabbing her little helper and marching toward the junk pile. She nodded again as she passed Alexis and moved on. The pile - which was really rather a room - was just outside the 50 meter radius. And it had a back window. To bad Noemi had no idea what she had just gotten into with the woman she was helping. It would either way be quite obvious, she was the only female around aside from AIs. She made the robot get the small things she new that were there from the dispenser. She herself turned to a bigger pile and cautiously began searching through. She was sure she had seen it... After a good five minutes she found the part she had been looking for which was rather specific for old ships for efficiency reasons. That made the fix a realistic one hour of work. With a grin on a face she returned to the damage ship and her client, again turning to help herself up to the fuel parts again.