[center][h2]The Pumpkin King![/h2][/center] [color=orange]"Well, I certainly don't mind if you two tag along with us on our little adventure. The more the merrier, and with your reputation, I guess you could say 'the more the scarier'!"[/color] Jack let out a hearty laugh before he heard an unfamiliar gasp coming from a different part of the same general area. He turned towards it, and he heard the blood-curdling bathtub-creeps speak up. [quote=The Bathtub Creeps] "What do--" "--We--" "--Have here?"[/quote] Somebody was listening into the conversation. Who it was, exactly, wasn't a thing that Jack knew of or had heard about at the time. Maybe it was someone from an outfit similar to his or Cassim's, or maybe it was someone who'd foil the adventure early on. There was certainly a way to figure which it would be, and Jack was the one to start finding that out. [color=orange]"Hello? We're not going to hurt you, unless you try to hurt us first! Come out and we can just talk!"[/color]