She watched as the viceroy made his way over to their table, noticing that he seemed a bit reluctant. Though she was a bit confused why, she didn't think much of it at first, guessing it had something to do with Cedric. She was also quick to notice that when he sat down next to her, he didn't leave as much room as usual. Penelope glanced over at him before glancing to Cedric, thinking the former thief was just acting out of protectiveness. However she soon second guessed herself as he turned to address her with what she guessed to be a fake, half smile. The knight studied him for a brief moment, trying to figure out what was off about the viceroy. She wanted to just ask him but with Cedric right across the table, she knew she couldn't. "Just writing letters. Mainly to the list Jonathan, one of the lieutenants I met with here, gave me." she explained with a shrug. "Speaking of him," Cedric spoke up. "I thought you two couldn't stand each other?" "In the past no. He was obnoxiously competitive. He's settled down since then though so we're on better terms." Penelope explained with a small shrug. Cedric gave a small nod. "Well I hope he's able to help you out." he mused before taking a bite of his food. Penelope nodded in agreement before her gaze drifted down to the male knight's food. An idea struck her as she noticed that he was nearly finished with his meal. She still had a good portion of her own left so if she slowed down enough, perhaps her and Crow could still get a moment alone. That is, if Cedric left as soon as he finished his food. There was quite a bit she wanted to talk to him about but none of it was stuff she could bring up with the other knight hanging around them. Deciding it was worth a try regardless, she turned back to Crow, planning to use conversing as her reason for eating so slowly. "What about you? More lessons I'm guessing?" she mused as she poked at her plate.