Penelope tilted her head slightly as he looked at her blankly. It seemed that he had been staring off or lost in thought, things that weren't too common for the thief unless something was weighing heavily on his mind. Again the knight wished she could ask him if something was wrong. He seemed quite different that morning but she couldn't even guess why. Surely he wasn't worried about Adam's complaining nor did it seem to come from his dislike of Cedric. She gave a small nod to his words and shifted her gaze back onto her food as Preston arrived with Crow's portion. The knight ate slowly, silently worrying if something was troubling the former thief. Her gaze occasionally flickered over to him but she was unsure what to say. At one point she noticed that he was eating rather hesitantly, which was an even bigger sign that he was in fact troubled by something. Subtly, she shifted to let her leg press into his under the table. She wished she could do more than just the subtle gesture but with others around, she wasn't able to. "So do you have a guard shift today, Cedric?" she asked focusing her gaze over on the other knight who had been eying Crow. His gaze shifted over to her and he nodded his head. "Yeah a midday... which unfortunately means I should probably get going soon." he sighed. Penelope noticed him glance briefly down at her plate, which still had a bit of food on it due to how slowly she had been eating, then look back up to her. "Maybe I'll catch you for dinner." "Maybe." Penelope shrugged and offered a smile as he stood up to leave. "See ya, Cedric" He gave a small wave to her and turned to walk off. The knight felt rather relieved to have him leave so soon, glad that her idea to wait his company out had worked. She watched him leave, waiting until he was nearly out the door before turning to Crow and eying him concernedly. "So... Is everything alright?" she asked softly.