The teeming throngs of people, eating, drinking, having fun, celebrating, meeting with old friends, the mass of different peoples and species, that was what he had come to see. Through them, Ososai moved as a silent observer, letting the emotions of the crowd wash over him like a wave on the shore, observing the people. that was why he'd come, to see this meeting of cultures and ideas. He'd had his share of food, and had some gil left to spend if he found something worth investing in, but that hadn't happened yet. He wore a tunic under light leather armor, designed for flying and to accommodate the wings that sprouted from his shoulder blades, their color shifting from brown to black down towards the tips. The tuft that passed for hair was kept relatively tidy, the brown matching that of his wings.His skin was a light tan, yet spotted around the neck and back. He was light, yet sure of feet, passing effortlessly through the crowds that congested these streets as if he was passing from one air current to another. His bow was slung over his back, allowing his wings freedom of movement while making it easy to reach if he needed it. He had no real goal, no purpose, no destination. He just weaved through the crowds, waiting for something to happen, a solitary bird of prey eying the ground for movement., even when not on the hunt.