[b]The Burning Swamps[/b] [@Jerkchicken] Alesia tapped on her powers once again. The waves of dragonfire from Valar had been blocked by the grenade of Flint. Alesia twisted her weight, as the surge of wind bent within the walls of the dragonfire. As things goes, the surroundings turned pitch black as the Pirate Captain Valar brought himself forward towards the Pirate Captain Alesia. Fighting Valar even under the broad daylight was already not an easy one, he is strong in that skill of his sword. To cross swords under his familiar darkness would be worse than this. But she hoped that her winds of blade would work against that fruit technique of Valar. The [color=ed1c24][b]Thrusting Winds [/b][/color]that left her blade, bent back into the field of battle. Dragonfire is drawn in just like the previous technique used by her very opponent. The pillar of fire carried by the Thrusting Winds shrieked behind Captain Valar, clearly missing that captain. It missed Valar, but on how she knew that, its ‘cause she could see now. The dragonfire brought from the outside walls lit the place like an oversized lamp. Captain Valar is right in front of Alesia, ready with his sword raised and prepared to send it down like a guillotine. The unexpected reflecting glitter from her eyes had made the Captain flinch. Alesia brought her blade forward, putting her whole weight to send the Snake’s Bite technique. The snapping sound of Valar’s neck had brought a conclusion to final exchange of swords. Pulling back the blade off Valar’s neck, Alesia shook off the the blood off her blade. Valar collapsed onto the ground, without any groans or squirms. She wasn't expecting much, but it might be a fitting end for a swordsman. The surrounding darkness subsides away, back into the big ring of dragonfire which still surrounded them. Valar’s black sword laid at the ground beside the fallen captain. [color=ed1c24]“His sword is too heavy for my liking,”[/color] Alesia had thought the blade was black from that Captain’s Devil Fruit. A fat sword, that's the only word that she could think of, with a blade that is curved like a spine. [color=ed1c24]“We’ll need to find a way out of here…”[/color] Alesia put down the sword of Valar, her hand grasping on her cutlass once again. She thrusted her sword towards the Forests of Dragonfire. Winds and Gales surged from the tip of her blade. Her Thrusting Winds blowing an open path within the burning forests. [color=ed1c24]“That damned treasure would be burned by now,”[/color] Alesia let out a short breath of curses before making her way out of the burning swamps. [hr] [color=f26522][b]Outside the burning swamps[/b][/color] @the rest The edge of the burning forests blows up, followed by a surging last of wind. A path free of dragonfire shows Alesia and Flint, and the remains of Valar.