[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjNhOWJmMi5SMlZ5Ym1SaGN5QlFiM0pwYkEsLC4x/urnordiska-runor.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LjNhOWJmMi5Ja2x1SUhSb1pTQmxibVFzSUhSb1pYa2dhR2xrWlNJLC4x/skennerton-fraktur.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Let's say magic and monsters did at one point exist, making most, if not all, myths true. Where did they all go? Did they get destroyed by their own power? Did we hunt them down? Well, then why are there no records of it? Or what if... [center]...they hid?[/center] [hr] This Rp will take place in London, where your characters have lived for about the last five years. It's up to you if the characters know each other before hand, but none of your characters have prior knowledge of magic, monsters, or the occult. You'll get thrown into it when ya'll go to a unknown bar, [i]The Drunkard's Ledger[/i]. That's where our tale will begin. Now who's up for it, eh? [hr] Please note that in the Character's tab I will put up lore, information as well as Notable NPC's as the story progresses. [hider=*RULES*] [list] [*]Standard Site rules only apply [i][u]in certain situations.[/u][/i] I'll be paying close attention to it all. [*]No god mode. You only have plot armor. [list] [*]No insta-kill [*]No Perfect Solution [*]No quick heal(outside of spells) [*]No killing each-other [/list] [*]What I say goes here. I am open to suggestions. [*]No uncivilized disputes in the OOC. [*]While I allow cursing, don't do it excessively. [*]Apply in OOC or PM with character sheet. [*]Put the second rule in your application so I know you read these. [/list] [/hider] [hider=CS] (Design it how you wish, but keep same topics on it.) General info: Name/Nickname: This should be self explanatory. Age: Keep within the range of 25-36 years. Gender: BIOLOGICAL PLEASE! It's just strange to put whatever they consider themselves here. Build: This is their body type. There are two words for each characters build, and I have them labeled below(please know it is not in a particular order, I'm just too lazy to fix it.): Appearance State [List] [*]Anorexic Strongman [*]Slim Fit [*]Bulky Average [*]Large Weak [*]Heavy Sickly [/list] Appearance: A non-anime Image and a descriptive 2-3 sentences about average clothes and additions to physiology(Physical Appearance, loosely). Backstory: Every good character has backstory. What did they do with their lives? Where they from? Do they have living family left? Did they experience trauma? Personality: Not one sentence. Give the character life! Please include sanity. [hr] Action characteristics: Exceptional Qualities: What's the character exceptionally you good at? Diplomatic? Technical? Athletic? Analytical? Etc. Horrible traits: What makes it easier to bring your character down? Weak willed? Past injury? Low intellect? Etc. Personal item(it will come in handy later): What's one item that they treasure very dearly? Jewelry, mementos, gifts, heirlooms, etc. [/hider]