Blackout Karnariel eyes Lexianna as the young boy takes the supplies. "You're an angel." He says almost harshly despite his posture relaxing. Taking a deep breath he starts explaining. "Where do I even begin. We don't have the manpower to field any sort of meaningful army. We're starving. Hunted. Our swords are scrap steel and everything else is repurposed farm equipment. What you see here isn't our main battle force but honestly their not much better off. We're more espionage. Our scout regiment is in okay shape but their exhausted." Karnariel sighs. "The Scouts are in North Point right now. They're searching for the Valkyrie's base of operation. The Sun Cloaks, our main fighting force, is dead in the water to the north. Without orders and more troops to bolster their ranks they can't march on a stronghold or even challenge the Lords' forces." "As for what we've accomplished so far... I'd like to say we took down the Admiral but that credit goes to a man named Poe of Ravens. And we've not heard from him since." Karnariel stops. "Actually, I know how you can help." Karnariel waves the group into his tent where he lays a map out on a table. He points to the tip of South Point. "Here, the remnants of the Admirals forces are being transported to East Point by sea. About 8000 If you can take the Command Sphere that they answer to you can bring them... here." Karnariel places a marker on a small cove on the east side of South Point, near where The Sun Cloaks are camping. "By doing that we can bolster our forces enough to march on Shadowhold." "The only thing i'm worried about is Smoke Hat. He's a pirate that's been consolidating power in the wake of Admirals death. He'll definitely be after the Command Sphere as well." "I'm going to assume you don't know much about the Lords' forces. The short of it is they're immortal. Every full moon through the Curse of Servitude the Command Sphere reanimates those under its influence. And it doesn't matter what happens to the body. It creates a new one upon each resurrection. Not to mention The Lords themselves. They can resurrect immediately on the spot when killed. Plus the light that accompanies their new body will break any blood stones you might have. I only tell you this because Lord Shadow has been active lately. If you encounter him... run. He's far too powerful to challenge without a Bloodgem."