The rest of her day went rather blandly. She spent all of it in the library writing letters to various nobles, both responses to the ones that had replied as well as new ones as she went down the list that Jonathan had given her. The knight was careful with her wording when it came to the couple of barons that the other lieutenant had marked for being difficult. She needed as much support as she could gather so she intended to tread carefully. If it took a couple more letters than just one to convince them, then so be it. Eventually she finished with the business letters but by then it was already getting close to supper. She put her quill down for a moment and rubbed her right hand. It was beginning to get sore from all the writing she had been doing that day. Leaning back in her chair, she let out a long sigh and glanced towards one of the nearby windows. Due to the dip in the light coming in, she could tell it was getting close to time for her to leave. Luckily she had finished most of her letters. The only ones she had left to complete were the ones to Olivia and Gavin. A bit mentally tired, she decided that a break was necessary before she did those. Figuring she could do them during the time she'd help Crow with his letter, she collected her things and neatly folded up her papers. She headed out of the library and to her room, putting away her letters with the intent of sending them off with a messenger in the morning. Once they were safe on her table, she headed out of her room and to the Great Hall for dinner. When she reached it, she glanced around for any familiar faces but seeing neither Crow nor Naida—or even Cedric for that matter—she soon looked for an empty spot instead. Penelope located an empty table off to the side and headed over to it. Sitting down, she let out a small yawn and waited for her food to be served.