Soon Naida's attendant arrived with her plate of food and set it down on the table in front of the princess before stepping away. For a brief moment, their conversation died off as the two began to dig into their meals. As Penelope looked up from her food, she noticed Naida kept glancing over in Crow's direction with a troubled look on her face. The knight raised an eyebrow. "You know if you want to sit with him that much you can just go over there." she smirked. "I don't mind eating alone." "That's not it.." Naida pouted and looked back over to Penelope with a hint of worry. "There's some noblewoman there that that one nobleman seems to be introducing to Collin.." Penelope stared at her friend, waiting for further explanation. When it didn't come, she let out a sigh. "So?" "So he's clearly trying to set up a courtship!" she declared looking back over at Penelope. "I mean, look at her dress. Who wears that kinda dress to a simple dinner?" The knight shifted her gaze over to the table, eying the woman from afar. A small smirk threatened to take over her lips as she had to admit that Naida was likely right. The dress was clearly quite lavish and not to mention it seemed to be a bit low cut on top of it. It seemed her prediction about Crow getting courtship offers had been right. Knowing she had nothing to worry about, she found it a bit amusing and also a positive sign. If he was getting courtship offers, that meant he was beginning to get accepted in with the other nobles. "I guess but I don't see what's the big deal about it." Penelope mused as she looked back down to her food. "The big deal is that what if he falls for her instead of you? It'd be a big mistake I just know it." Naida claimed and frowned at her. "I know how you're interested in him Penelope." "You're on that again?" the knight sighed. "I told you I'm not interested in courting anyone right now... And besides that, you shouldn't even being worrying about that. If he falls for her, then he falls for her." Penelope smirked at her friend. "You can't control who he courts Naida." "Obviously." Naida sighed and rested her cheek in her hand. "But she's probably just trying to use him like all the others and he might get blinded by her looks. Someone has to watch out for him." Penelope chuckled a little. "I think he can watch out for himself. I don't think he's the type to get [i]that[/i] distracted by a pretty woman." "I guess so." Naida agreed as she poked at her food. She seemed to think something over and a mischievous smirk spread over her lips as she looked back over at Penelope. "What I don't understand is how you seem to know him better than I do." "You're never going to drop this are you?" Penelope gave a tired smile. "Nope! Not until you two are courting." Naida said with a confident grin The knight shook her head and focused back on her food. [i]With any luck, that won't be much longer.[/i] she thought hopefully as she ate her food. After a brief silence of eating, she managed to get Naida off of the topic as she brought up the letters she had received. The two talked as they ate and Penelope eventually finished first. Deciding it was best to go to her room to pick up the two letters from Gavin and Olivia before going to meet Crow at his room, she said a word of goodbye to her friend and began to head out of the Great Hall, feeling a new hint of excitement over the thought of spending the rest of the evening with Crow.