Penelope stretched as she stepped into her room. After having sat for most of the day, she admittedly was feeling a bit stiff. Trying to shake it off, she rolled her shoulders and then proceeded to walk over to her table where she had placed the letters. Shuffling through the open ones, she quickly located Gavin and Olivia's letters and placed them in her pocket for now. Since that was all she stopped by her room for, she turned headed back to begin her walk to Crow's room. She wasn't sure how long ago the viceroy had left the Great Hall so she walked a bit slowly, not wanting to arrive there first. Especially if he returned with Preston since it look strange for her to just be waiting in his room. Thinking about the attendant, she began to realize that she should likely act a bit more carefully with him around. She had expressed quite a bit of care for Crow around him—which was difficult to merely brush off since she had been worried for his safety—and had even been quick to help clear his name. The knight let out a small sigh at the thought, hoping that the servant was oblivious enough to just dismiss it as friendship. As she rounded the corner to the stairs, she was greet by a rather unfriendly face. Penelope cursed inwardly as she locked gaze with William, who seemed to have just taken up the guard shift as another guard made his way past her. The older knight looked over at her and narrowed his eyes. It had been a while since her last run in with him, mainly because she usually avoided him. "And where are you off to at this hour?" he grumbled suspiciously. "I'm off to visit my friend." Penelope responded, lifting her head slightly. "There aren't any rules preventing me from that last I checked." "Yes and I'm sure I know exactly which 'friend' you're visiting." William growled. "You have no shame." "I'd tell you that you're wrong but your words mean nothing more than castle gossip now so there's really no point in bothering." she snorted in response. She watched as the male knight clenched his jaw frustratedly and she shrugged her shoulders at him before continuing on her way up the stairs. "Have a good shift, William." She heard the older knight mutter something under his breath but couldn't make out what it was. Penelope didn't concern herself with it though and continued on her way to Crow's room. Now on the third floor, she remained a bit more cautious about who saw her, trying to casually slip past the eyes of guards when she could. Eventually she reached his room and gave a soft knock this time before entering. "It's just me." she announced quietly as she stepped inside, softly closing the door behind her.