[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/383674146426454019/564874930773164080/Rebekah_Banner_Final.png[/img] [img]https://www.thetvjunkies.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/KatieMcGrath.gif[/img] [@Plank Sinatra][@HereComesTheSnow][@Dirty Pretty Lies] [@Write][/center] [hr] [color=cadetblue]"Sword."[/color] The Daughter of Athena stated her initial request simply; specifics were unnecessary. They had sparred often enough for him to know her preference. A rapier would suit her well, though if they had gotten that close already then she had failed in her responsibilities. Highwind's particular wishes for her involvement were unspoken, but clear anyway; he required her insight. Their martial abilities were complementary, but differed fundamentally in their nature. He looked at the littler picture. He was very, very good at it. There was a reason that she had yet to balance her wins with her losses against him, and that was because the Son of Ares, and his little sister, were dynamos on the battlefield. Bordering on unparalleled. Rebekah looked at the larger one. It would fall to her to divine what these creatures were, and more vitally, their weak point. [i]Strategy[/i] was her domain. In a single fluid motion she had slipped off of Dana's lap, and wrapped her fingers around the handle of an empty keg. Aluminum, not suitable for any sustained fighting, But good enough for single use. The metal conformed to her will, reshaping according to her thoughts to provide her with a small handful of pointed javelins. Good enough for throwing, until she had something better. But she would need a better weapon for range. A bow? No, she didn't have the natural proficiency that Marston did. A firearm would do. While her mind raced, the first javelin lanced through the air at inhuman speeds towards one of the creatures. Almost an afterthought, it was a probe more than anything. Jonas was working to scatter them. Her eyes were focused, observing and analyzing. Whatever the nature of these creatures, she would know it shortly. It was simply one of her abilities. She couldn't not. [color=cadetblue]"Dana, dear, I think it's time for your party favors."[/color] As an aside, after a moment more of thinking, she added; [color=cadetblue]"And a shotgun, Jonas. With plenty of shells."[/color] The daughter of Aphrodite wouldn't be very helpful in a fight. Hopefully she stayed down. [color=cadetblue]"Stand by for analysis."[/color]