Kurgaz emerged from the hole he had dug. The sunlight blinded him for a moment until he shielded his eyes with his small, chubby arm. He put his pick on the ledge above him before jumping and clambering up onto the grassy ledge. He picked up his pick while hoisting the bag of various ores and gems he hung on his back. He looked around the area, Sam was nowhere to be seen. He narrowed his eyes, Sam never strayed too far from the mine lest someone try to come and ambush Kurgaz mid-mine. He began to slowly walk around the areas, he found a few traps that had been set off. A dead rabbit lay in one and a few foxes lay in the others. Sam was never this sloppy, something was wrong. He put his pick in its sheath on his back after moving the bag to provide enough room. He tied the top of the bag and tossed it down the mine before covering it with a small mock-like cover to ensure no one goes down it. He walked throughout the forest while looking for, Sam. He was nowhere to be found, no footprints, no broken bolts, no notes or signs of him ever having left. Kurgaz made the assumption that, Sam had to hastily make a move. He sighed before heading north through the forest. A few minutes into his journey he discovered a peculiar sight. An open clearing filled with teenagers, including Sam. Kurgaz made his way over to Sam before exclaiming "Where the bloody 'ell did ye' go boy? Yer' traps have been set off 'ours ago!"