[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190508/ee55a2353e57bcd28fc623c4c2f5aa31.png[/img][/center] I'm glad you decided to stop by! I wanted to put up my very first 1x1 interest check as I have a few ideas rolling through my head that I wanted to get jotted down. That being said, more might be added later! [u][color=00a99d][b]General Guidelines![/b][/color][/u] 🔰I'm not big into romance, but I do love me a good sibling bond/comradery in my writing. I [b]love[/b] writing and exploring the relationship between two people who are/see each other as a brother/sister/role model/etc. 🔰I prefer to write 1-2 good paragraphs as a shorter response, or even 3-4 if there's something good to write about. My average is about 1-2. 🔰I marked this as 18+ because, depending on the RP, there will be violence, death, blood, injuries, the like. No sexual themes, gross. 🔰I stick to all RPG site rules, of course. 🔰I'd prefer my prospective partner to have some previous writing under their belt, or just have the basics of character development and plot development down. 🔰If you'd like to send me a writing example, feel free! I'd love to read it. 🔰 I prefer for the main characters to be OCs. Should we participate in an idea based on a fandom, I don't mind Canon characters being NPCs, but please, no Canon characters as main characters! 🔰I'd prefer to stick to topics/ideas/themes that are based in the older timeline of the world. Medieval, Renaissance, around there, as many of my ideas tend to stick. 🔰[b]EDIT[/b]: Due to my schedule, sometimes I am either on every day, or I have a few days in between when I have access to the RPG site. I make every attempt to post at least once a day, as long as my partner does as well! I can post a reply multiple times a day if I also get multiple replies in return. Now, if you've managed to read through my boring rules, here are my plot/idea interests! These are just basic idea skeletons, as I'd love to talk more in detail about them if you're interested! [u][b][color=00a99d]Ideas![/color][/b][/u] ⚜️[color=7bcdc8]Medieval Fantasy RP[/color] Characters can be royalty, peasants, mercenaries, soldiers, siblings that were separated at birth and somehow find each other again. I'm up for anything! ⚜️[color=7bcdc8]LOTR/The Hobbit RP[/color] This kind of goes with the one above, but has a little more presets for us to work with, such as cities, lore, etc. ⚜️[color=7bcdc8]How To Train Your Dragon[/color] I just got finished watching movie #3, I absolutely love this franchise and would love to explore a possible world around it. We could do some research on lore, dragons, and make OCs, etc. ⚜️[color=7bcdc8]Fullmetal Alchemist[/color] I've always loved this series and have already had a few RPs based on it from another site. This would take a little more tinkering, and I would be find with Canon being a main part of our OCs journey(s). ⚜️[color=7bcdc8]Avatar the Last Airbender[/color] This is a tough one, as I love this series, but I feel creating an RP that doesn't conflict with the TV shows/movies that have been created can be hard. I'd probably prefer to stick in the older timeline, versus the new Legend of Korra. I think this is all for now. If you have any ideas you'd like to pitch to me, please feel free to do so! Shoot me a PM!