[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a0522d]Gilbert Summers[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2d5702c8-fbbe-4a46-a9f6-87334c420d5b.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=sienna]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp (Main House, Room 101 (Sitting Room)) [b][color=a0522d]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] It appeared to Gilbert that their honored guest had spoken her piece and that was that. There was a definite insistence that time was, in fact, [i]not[/i] of their side, no matter what precautions had been put into place. Not even the temporal isolation of the Loop was adequate to keep them from succumbing to whatever dark and nasty power sought to end all that was. Which in a very strange sort of way made sense, if one looked at it from a fourth dimensional point of view. Imagining that time was a solid, immutable concept, the destruction of a portion of it could the destruction of it all, simultaneously. Even the same repeating day. Much like sundering a great glass rod suspended upon two pillars at either end. If a hammer crushed through part of it, all of it would fall into the abyss. Was that what they were dealing with? Outside of the Loop, everything kept marching forward around them. If these people knew what day it truly was, from the perspective of the Destrehan Plantation, it might surprise the hell out of them. Gil sighed. [color=a0522d]"So many things to take into consideration."[/color] He wasn't lying. [color=a0522d]"If this place is subject to visitation by Siduri and her troupe, then there must be a way for others to do the same. It does not give the full privacy that we had always assumed it did. Perhaps this requires a more immediate response, though I do not know what that is."[/color] For all he knew, it was precisely the strange in-between stage of a neophyte Paradox that was necessary to make whatever needed to happen, happen. [color=a0522d]"If we are vulnerable here, we must act sooner rather than later."[/color] But where to act? [color=a0522d]"She mentioned Niburi. Does that have any specific meaning to you, Giosue? Or to anyone else? Perhaps we should start there. Faith? Just in case, get yourself ready to take a trip."[/color] [hider=Roll Request] Character current location: Sitting Room Characters attempted actions: Figuring stuff out Any and all skills being used: Emendator Knowledge/Perception Why each skill is being called: Using the hints given by Siduri and the knowledge inherent to his kind, Gilbert looks for a starting place. Niburi, perhaps? Desired location of the character: Sitting Room [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=cd5c5c]James Grady[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/110f59a7-f09e-40d4-b96a-9754fb285add.jpg[/img][hr][b][color=indianred]Location:[/color][/b] Ville au Camp (Main House, Room 101 (Sitting Room) -> (doorway to) East Hallway) [b][color=cd5c5c]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] James felt no small amount of confusion as Siduri and Ben got up and left the house. There was scolding involved, as if they were all missing out on something obvious. Well, chalk James up as one of those who didn't have a clue as to what was going on nor what to do about it. It was as if there were a sudden, life-and-death decision that had to be made between his ass and a hole in the ground, and James was pondering over which was which. In fact, the whole sticky mess reminded him of that time when he and his family went out for All-You-Can-Eat Barbecue Rib Night at the local Sizzler. His uncle Iggy (shortened version of his nickname, Igtholomew, but that's a whole different story. He wasn't even his real uncle anyway, so go fig.) had taken it that the gauntlet had been thrown down with All-You-Can-Eat and proceeded to hit the porcine lung protectors with wild abandon, horking back tender and smoky meat in a manner that might have suggested a phone call to the Guinness Record people. It wasn't until he ripped a shart that hit the back of his pants like an alien trying to birth itself that he even slowed down a bit. When the people at the next table noticed what was going on, they got up and left (with comment) not unlike what the albino deity and that Ben guy did. Except the table full of people were a lot ruder about it. Not that James really blamed them, it was a sight and stench to behold; even prompting the expression, "Never fully trust a fart in public." Most especially where greasy ribs and tangy sauces were contributing factors. But anyway, James did feel a little let down that, just as soon as he declared his readiness to jump into the fray, the party broke up. Maybe it was something he said. Life was like that sometimes. [color=cd5c5c]"Well, I'm already standin'. We need to get suited up or what?"[/color] Not that he had a "suit" really, at least not one that we intended to wear specifically for outings or missions. Or maybe he should? While he waited for an answer, James began to ponder some of the last words Siduri said to them. Missing the world planning, missing life by overthinking. So now was a time to leap? Leap it was, then. But to where? [color=cd5c5c]"Aight, look... I gots me somethin' to take care of on the quick 'fore we do anything else. You lemme know what you need of me after."[/color] James nodded and moved to the door leading out to the hallway. Whatever was going on they obviously didn't have a lot of time left, so he needed to fulfill a promise he made to Alicia at the time of her ascendance. It shouldn't take long.