[h1][center][i]Timeskip: Day 2[/i][/center][/h1][hr] [hider=Prologue] Gold was in a good mood as she walked to her next class. Her trip to the forest yesterday was a success on all fronts, securing for her much needed resources for the future. It was a small step, but victory went to the patient, and Gold Miltiades was nothing if not patient. When she got to her class, unsurprisingly there was already quite a number of people milling about. At first glance, none of them appeared to be doing anything that required focus, and their actions were totally unrelated to each other, but her eyes could see everything clearly. Social interactions, the gravity of people's words - it all came together for her like a thread on a spiders' web. Her smile grew just a bit wider as she approached the center of the web.[/hider] [hider=Magical Geographies] The new day has started, and naturally the students that had bothered to pick a class on the first day started filing out. Magical Geographies was a class that covered everything from well known areas in myth, to more obscure lands that have yet to be popularized in text. It was a rather important class for budding adventurers, and for those that would be delving into field research. Many lands were hostile environments, with deadly flora, and dangerous fauna - sometimes, the very lands themselves were out to exterminate outsiders, so-called [i]genus loci[/i]. Meruin Hazy was familiar with such environments. She was practically raised in one - the territory of her Master, Reina - the Archetype of Creation. A beautiful place, but it was a beauty that hid the dangers. She was under no threat during her time there, but her Master drilled into her the importance of respecting your surroundings unless you were looking for death. It was unfortunate that her classmates couldn't see it the same way. One glance at the people who'd signed up for the class, and it was obvious that none of them appreciated the importance of knowing what to do and where. Their excited chatter was filled with repeated statements about 'adventure' and 'fairy kingdom' told her all she needed to know about the mindset of her classmates. Her disdain must have shown on her face, because one of her classmates called her out on it. "Looks like Archetype Meruin disagrees with us. Care to share your thoughts with us plebians, oh wise one?" His tone was exaggeratingly supplicating, his expression irritatingly pouty, and over all irritated the short girl. She'd dealt with these types before, and she wouldn't suffer their pettiness. Rolling her eyes, Meruin turned her head up and ignored the stares and the whispers and the pointed fingers. It was nothing she was not used to. Even when she took her seat, the whispers did not stop. She expected this. She could handle this. When the door opened Meruin felt a change. In walked the blonde from yesterday - she was a striking beauty, different from Xinhua but no less attention grabbing. Xinhua was like a bolt of lightning - once you were caught in her zone, you were simply stricken, but the blonde was more a spiders web - once you were caught, struggling to get out simply made it all the worse. So heads turned and stayed turned, and much to her surprise, she approached her. [color=gold]"Hey there. You mind if I sit here?"[/color][/hider]