Roger wasn't too sure entirely of what was going on, chaotic as battle was, but he had a relatively decent understanding on the broad picture. They had managed to inflict significant casualties on the enemy, if not getting out entirely unscathed themselves. But everyone was still in perfectly serviceable condition as far as he could tell. Well the werks were, the mental state of some of the pilots was questionable, but that might as well be called Tuesday with Squad Sigma. Through the various comms there were a lot of messages, most of them Rooney heard, but didn't really stick in his head. It was bad form, but there was a lot to take in at once, and he had to focus hard enough on piloting as it was. That said, there were two messages in particular that snagged his attention. First was Dietrich's message. Not for any particularly dramatic or important reason. It's just that he heard his name, which pulled his focus in that direction until he figured out that the other pilot was merely using "roger" as an affirmative, rather than specifically trying to call his attention. More importantly, there was the directive from the boss lady herself: press forward, engage, take out the turtles. Well if there was one thing Yeager was good at, it was pressing forward. Unfortunately, directly in his way was a wall of Cruxi War Machines, and he didn't have the firepower to take on all those combatants at once, nor was he the melee type, so trying to simply bust through (without suicidally ramming into them) was out of the question. However, Roger directed his gaze down upon the radar once more. There was a spot open he could just make it through if he put the pedal to the metal, figuratively speaking. And once though he'd have a clear line of fire at 2 of the turtles. The drawback is that he'd be in a compromised position, but now was not the time for timidity. He'd need to rely on the help of the rest of the squad, but that's what they were there for. "Got it. Going to try to maneuver to their rear flank along with Wagner." Roger first directed Yeager to move to his 10 o'clock, moving just far enough to align himself with the break in the cruxi formation. Then he adjusted course to point straight ahead and activated his Overboosters to pass straight through the gap in their offenses. [hr] Actions: Move: F8->D6 Boost: D6->D3