“Wait...what?!” Theva scarcely had the time to respond to his instructions before Thaerex was yelling “NOW!” and leaping off the speeder himself. Her eyes widened as she realised where the speeder’s current trajectory was headed for, reacting on instinct and managing to throw herself clear just in time. They had been travelling at high speed, so as she came off, the Chiss was forced into a combat roll as a means of cushioning some of the force of the impact with the ground. Despite her best attempts, however, she felt a painful tearing in the muscles of her shoulder as she skidded into one of the corners.. “[i]Ticsen'uvuet![/i] (Motherfucker)” she snarled through her teeth, her eyes taking on an eerie reddish glow in the darkness as they roved frantically to find her companion. “What the FRACK is wrong with you?!” Theva snapped, inhaling in preparation of what would no doubt be another tyrade of curses about where she would rather Thaerex went at this point...