[indent][hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwYjdlMC5UR2xzYVdVZ1JHbHZibTVsLjAA/velocity-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] Aaron's question was a little surprising, and for a split second Lilie thought she was mistaken in assuming his element was light. No, it was, but maybe those elements belonged to his parents. He [I]was[/I] from an actual mage family, so maybe it was common for everyone in the family to have an affinity. For a moment she tried to imagine her brother with magic, wondering what different affinity he would have gotten. Maybe earth? She had to suppress a laugh as she pictured him purposefully putting up a wall anytime she tried to annoy him or someone tried to talk to him. A fun thought, though it was shortly followed by a tiny prick of wishing she could go home. But that wasn't possible, and she wasn't going to let herself get depressed in the middle of class. Instead she put herself to pay attention again, going back to taking notes. It seemed like even the theories were just guesswork at best, consistencies being recorded as a guide as opposed to being actual rules. The thought was actually exciting; she'd have to figure things out on her own at her own pace, which was a little more comforting than thinking she had to adhere to a standard. Experimenting seemed a lot more fun than trying to replicate what others could do, at least when it came to her affinity. And apparently using her emotions to channel her magic was a [I]good[/I] thing. She had to keep herself from giving out a bitter laugh at that, but she guessed that now she technically had prior experience, no matter how bad it was. Despite having a primary affinity, the idea of foci was absolutely fascinating. The idea of waving around a wand and casting spells greatly appealed to her, making her wonder if she could have one anyway. Was there harm in it? Before she could go further with the thought, Professor Hayes mentioned the downside and risks of magic, causing Lilie to frown as her dreams of freely casting magic as she pleased were put on halt. Having a limit made sense, the drawbacks a little more scary than she thought. Dissonance seemed to be the biggest issue, but her potential problem seemed to be on the other side with Resonance. Who knew being too into your magic could turn out to be bad? She had to admit that as worrying as it seemed, the prospect of mastering her affinity far outweighed the fear. As long as she was the one in control, there wouldn't be an issue. At least, that was how she saw it. Finishing up her notes and scribbling down any other thoughts, once Professor Hayes opened up the floor to questions again, this time she had one. Raising her hand, Lilie waited until she was called on to ask, [color=deepskyblue]"Um, what forms do foci take?"[/color] She decided on starting with a simple one before moving onto the next. [color=deepskyblue]"And is it possible to properly control Resonance without a drawback, like with the help of a focus?"[/color] [/indent][hr][/indent] [sub][right]Interacting with: [@Obscene Symphony][/right][/sub]