[hider=Abaddon Sternwanderer] [color=00746b][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Abaddon Sternwanderer [color=00746b][u][b]Nicknames / Titles / Alias's:[/b][/u][/color] Abaddon sometimes also makes himself known as Stargazer, in his second form he prefers Azra and was nicknamed Demon Child [b][color=00746b][u]Age:[/u][/color][/b] At least 300 years [color=00746b][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][/color] Male or Female, sometimes none [color=00746b][u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u][/color] Abaddon is a potent shapeshifter. He is able to effortlessly turn into many kind of beings - although incorporation of people is something he avoids at court. He still has two preferred forms, rumored to both be equally true. One is the one best known at court and connected to his name. Abaddon is a slender male with an athletic build. At 6'6 he has a nice view over most heads. His skin has the colour of obsidian, countered with white tattoos on his left arm and back showing geometric symbols, as well as chosen magic circles and symbols. Some of them are usually covered by the light blue hair which freely falls to his back. His ears are slightly pointy, showing under his hair, and pierced with silver earrings. The most demonic feature aside from his skin colour are the small white horns at the side of his head. He is able to generate a pair of impressive wings, apparently out of dark smoke, but keeps this for situations in which he needs a more impressive appearance or the ability to fly. His clothing style is rather varied, but extravagant. For fighting he owns a very artistic armour held in silver and pale blue, as well as two slender swords scattered with magical runes. At court he can be seen wearing robes, but it is more likely to see him wearing a set of more or less revealing clothes in cold colours, embroidered with silver, often combined with a slightly transparent veil on his head which covers his hair, shoulders and part of his back. Most of the time he features a slightly patronizing but primarily disinterested gaze. [hider=Abaddon] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/21197c91-92f9-4ad2-a6ec-d4d70ab937d8/daufv12-631d09ca-2017-4c08-80ab-5b54a64d8c89.jpg/v1/fill/w_742,h_1077,q_70,strp/keros_can_i_bite_you__black_demon_by_frirry_daufv12-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MzQ2OCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzIxMTk3YzkxLTkyZjktNGFkMi1hNmVjLWQ0ZDcwYWI5MzdkOFwvZGF1ZnYxMi02MzFkMDljYS0yMDE3LTRjMDgtODBhYi01YjU0YTY0ZDhjODkuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTIzODgifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.4R4MVbTizDOIBMkhqlhlmMUimJCnSfcqQScSOsBthVw[/img] [color=909090][sub][url=https://www.deviantart.com/frirry/art/Keros-Can-I-bite-you-black-demon-655790294]Original art[/url] by [url=https://www.deviantart.com/frirry]Frirry[/url][/sub][/color] [/hider] The other form is very different and mostly appears misplaced in the realm of devils. Azra has the form of a girl, no older than 14 years and only 4'8 tall. She has long, dark hair always falling slightly into her face and beautiful brown eyes with speckles of green. She always seems to be curious about her surroundings and can often be seen smiling and tinkering with something. Her style is less extravagant. Most of the time she wears a green dress with embroidered vines at the seams, accompanied by a golden necklace holding a black, shimmering stone and some belt with many small bags. [hider=Azra] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/9832/i/2018/179/f/e/arza_pencil_portrait_by_jeyando-dcfqjzb.jpg[/img] [color=909090][sub][url=https://img00.deviantart.net/9832/i/2018/179/f/e/arza_pencil_portrait_by_jeyando-dcfqjzb.jpg]Original art[/url] by [url=https://www.deviantart.com/jeyando]jeyando[/url][/sub][/color] [/hider] [u][b][color=00746b]Height:[/color][/b][/u] 6'6 / 4'8 [color=00746b][u][b]Weight:[/b][/u][/color] 180 lbs / 87 lbs [color=00746b][u][b]Build:[/b][/u][/color] Athletic / slight [color=00746b][u][b]Personality: [/b][/u][/color] Abaddon and Azra not only differ in their style, but also in their personality. Both are sides of the same coin and know any thought, feeling or experience. Both are effectively the same person and in the big picture they will behave alike - a plan once made will be kept. If you annoy them it does not matter in which form you will meet next. And still both tend to exhibit a set of specific behaviours. The biggest commonalities are loyalty to Morelion and Shadowshaw and a very heightened interest to mess with mortals. It just differences how they do it. Abaddon is calculating and calm. He is a great listener and not to bad of a tactician. He likes to plan things, calculate movements, form bonds, break them. He is very, very well versed in creating intrigues and openly uses his shape shifting and other magical abilities to do so. He mostly keeps his "art" to rival cities or the realm of mortals, as he is well aware what kind of uproar his work could have. In talks he seems to be keeping himself distanced from others, something that only slowly fades over time and never fully leaves. He prefers to study, may it be books or the stars and likes music, his chosen instrument being a beautiful silver harp. If one should really happen to force him into a fight or a demonstration of power, he prefers his reaction to be swift, but not deadly. When enough pain or humiliation has been dealt he will revert into being distanced. His other side, Anza, is not as easily dealt with. Her completely humanlike and young appearance has lead many to the misconception that she is easy to handle and can be messed with. Anza is wilder and fed up very fast and many have learned that her wrath can be horrible. Where Abaddon is precise and efficient, she is cruel and knows all to well how to use magic and shape shifting to agonize her victim. In general she is more emotional than Abaddon. She is curious, she laughs and questions and will just follow her intuition. She will fall into heated arguments, but she can also show deep affection for art or even a person. While she is able to plot something she mostly prefers more direct approaches. Anza has a good grab on the emotions of others and is very able to manipulate people, sending them into burning rage, cold hate or longing, possessive affection. She also attempts to avoid this in Shadowshaw - but being more impulsive these attempts are not always fruitful. [color=00746b][b][u]Specialty:[/u][/b][/color] Corruption, shapeshifting and magic. Abaddon has the ability and finds joy in corrupting mortals into killing each other. But it is not war or fanaticism he is after. It is the act of killing another human being for the sake of its death. The ways to this goal are very different. Shifting into a more harmless shape belongs to them, the way after this is changing. On the one side there are all the planned murders, all the fully reasoned killings either for one's own enrichment, safety or any higher cause. Those will be created, instructed like a screen play, leaving the right notes and encounters leading up to the final - death. Sometimes death of many people. On the other hand there are the emotional causes. Wanting someone dead because of love, hate, jealousy or humilation. They are handled differently, shifting into the form of connected people and reinforcing the already simmering feeling until it boils over and ends in blood and tears. Both kind of corruptions are something Abaddon (and Azra) are good at. In the form of Azra another ability is present: She can manifest a stream of tortured souls and physically corrupt a mortal being by letting one sink into them. It works eerily well, but not on devils and their kind. To be able to defend around devils both wield powerful magic, albeit in different ways according to their more typical traits. Abaddon has further specialised in foresight, mostly through the stars and for his own amusements. Azra practices a little bit of alchimy for the same reasons. [b][color=00746b][u]Dominating Sin:[/u][/color][/b] Murder [b][color=00746b][u]Background:[/u][/color][/b] No one really knows if Abaddon and Azra are two entities sharing one body, or if the rupture is just the violent manifestation of the oposing aspects of their chosen sin. Abaddon claims to have lived under humans for a while. He is said to have overthrown one monarch and one whole regime in his few years there, an be responsible for many smaller, bloodier murders. It is hard to prove, but at least his claims concerning the regime seem plausible and shine light on the reason for the genocide connected with the fall. After that he decided to go back to his kind. For a while he was a leaf in the wind and different lords know to tell of him or Azra staying in their lands. More often than not his stay was accompanied by upsparking feuds. Abaddon made sure that nobody could track these incidents back to him, but he liked to see the chaos his words could cause. He never interfered with anybody he felt was belonging into his position, but often gave the ones who already felt their lord was not meant to be ruling a final push. His last station was of a different kind. A towering city, formed from just iron and stone with brute force, full of beasts and fighters, reigned by a lord lead by nothing but cruelty for cruelty's sake, preparing for a huge war against the neighbor who wronged him. Abaddon stayed. No, actually Azra stayed. The detailed diplomatic planning, the intrigues had tired her out. This did not. Bloodshed was coming and Azra was looking forward to it. The day of the war came. The first march to the next city came and there they met their contestants. Weeks of war ensued, moving the front line back and forth. Weeks of fear on both sides. Weeks in which Azra could live up to her full potential - on both sides. Stressed minds are easy to corrupt into very questionable doings. But in the end the war ended. Abaddon left, even before the troups returned home. It was an impressive experience, but it had shown one thing: He needed a place where he could fully be himself. And that included that Azra needed to be at home there. After some searching they reached Shadowshaw. Abaddon went to the court and offered Morelion his abilities as a magician. He was allowed to stay. For the first time in years, maybe even hundreds of years, Abaddon had found a place where he liked to be while Azra was happy as well. It was impossible to say why, but it sparked a burning loyality to keep this city flourishing.[/hider]