[hr][center][color=khaki][h1]Freya Leander ~ Cait Sith[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [@Mangrale] [@OwO] [@Heartfillia] [@Aviaire] [@SimpleWriter] As a gust of wind swept the birds away, Freya raised her head to see Sofia darting over. With a sigh of relief, she spat out a feather and nodded. [color=khaki]"Yeah, let's..."[/color] Eyes widening at the flock diving in, she slashed as many birds from the air as she could, grimacing when some shook off her blows. Dammit, her injury was making this quite a bit tougher than it should be. Not that it would be easy even if she were at her best. [color=khaki]"I'll hold them off!"[/color] she called nonetheless as the flurry swarmed her again. [color=khaki]"Go!"[/color] Just then, the temperature plummeted. Her ragged breaths misting, Freya tensed from the chill, but relief flowed through her. Seizing the opportunity once the attackers' flight slowed, she resumed tearing them away from the students. Nearing Renard, she couldn't help smiling at his jokes. [color=khaki]"Well, there's that chicken you wanted!"[/color] she called, tackling a bird away from him. As he slammed a chair against one, Freya leapt over his head, bringing a pigeon to the ground. [color=khaki]"C'mon, let's all [i]tern[/i] round and make a [i]swift[/i] exit!"[/color] The approach of another villain reinforced the need to do so. As the scorpion-tailed woman fixed her cruel gaze on Renard, taunting him, Freya responded with a laugh. [color=khaki]"Pecking at us with guilt, huh?"[/color] Her voice wavered, but she kept on. She had to boost people's spirits somehow. [color=khaki]"That's fowl play there!"[/color] Even so, it was only now that she truly took in the carnage, hers worse than Renard's. It looked as if a wild animal had run rampant through the room - and she was that wild animal, instead of the hero she aspired to be. A moment's distraction was all it took. Wings slapped at her face as another horde descended. Freya shielded her eyes, yelping when talons raked across her arms and her back. Clenching her teeth, she started lashing and flailing. Of course. This was what the villains wanted - make people feel bad, weaken their resolve. At the sound of screams, she struggled harder. Tearing a path through the mass of beaks and talons, she gasped. Eira and Sofia lay sprawled on the floor, blood pooling from a gash on the moth girl's leg. [color=khaki]"No!"[/color] Horror overtook her as the scorpion woman lifted up a fire hydrant. In an instant, Freya bounded forward to stop the attacker, but was too late. She could only watch, panic-stricken, as the extinguisher sailed through the air towards the two... And veered off course as it smashed into a chair. The crunch mingled with the roar of a drill as, with Gabby's help, Peter used his rock form to break through the ceiling. [color=khaki]"Whew... Yeah,"[/color] Freya replied as Renard called to her, pieces of broken chair falling from his grip. Not wasting another second, she rushed over. [color=khaki]"Eira! Sofia! One of you, hold on to me!"[/color] she shouted. This would be difficult, especially with someone as tall as Eira, but if she mustered all her strength, she'd be able to leap across surfaces with one of them until she reached the hole in the ceiling. That way, with Gabby helping others through the exit, maybe there was a chance they could all escape... That was when she noticed whose path she'd stepped into.