[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190503/ca49a67949d56d4b6d77c0a8865fa418.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FRoqPnZ.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190503/cb0c0b67bd85be25b2ad6045e42c17ba.png[/img] [b]☼[/b] [sub][color=2E8B57]Location;[/color] Mizu Port[/sub] [b]☼[/b] [sub][color=2E8B57]Interactions;[/color] [@AzureKnight] and [@13org][/sub] [b]☼[/b] [sub][color=2E8B57]Font Color;[/color] [color=2E8B57]2E8B57[/color][/sub] [b]___________________________________[/b] The men hadn't been aware of the kitsune until she spoke, her words causing their eyes to almost pop out of their heads in anger. Echo swore she could see the veins bulge on one of their faces. The three brutes straightened themselves to attempt to appear more menacing and took a step towards the fox woman, Echo's locket still clutched in the leaders sweaty grasp. "Look at this boys, we have a mutt trying to save the brat." Not even a second passed before a steamy yet small fireball seemed to come out of no where and hit the leader in the bum, he let out the squeakiest and girly cry. His two lackeys laughed softly and even Echo let out a little giggle, how could such a large man make such a silly sound? The guy roared in anger and spun to face the Kitsune as if to do something, however a new figure made him stop. A massive dog-man who had a glare that could kill. The guy was obviously caught off guard and realize that he was under-powered now, what had been an attempt to take a small girl's trinket turned into something bigger. The guy let out a spew of obscenities and threw the locket down on the ground in front of Echo before he and the other two took off. Echo grabbed the locket with a smile and got to her feet, running over to Fu and giving her a very large and very happy smile. She nodded her head in appreciation, she liked Fu and her sister. They were always nice to her and they always sold the neatest things in their shop. Echo made some gestured with her hands, it was hard to communicate what she wanted to say since she couldn't speak. The blonde girl then turned to the large man who had helped her, also offering him a large smile. Echo didn't see race like other's did, she didn't judge nor did she discriminate people based on what they looked like. She supposed that was why so many people liked her and simply let her do what she wanted. Echo tapped her chin for a moment thinking of how to repay them for their kindness before an idea popped in her hand. The Banshee held up a finger as if to say [color=2E8B57][i]"Wait a moment"[/i][/color] and scurried off. She was gone for only a minute before returning, two little gems in her hands. One was a Tourmaline and the other was a Tiger's eye. She handed the Tourmaline to Fu and the other to the dog-man, letting out a small laugh. Many people wondered how Echo bought things and why she bought random trinkets. What they didn't know was she lived in a sunken ship that had massive amounts of gold and that she had a tiny shack by the coast that she liked to collect things in. [/center]