[hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=f7941d][center]World Narrative[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3][hr][hr] [u][b]Gronar, Location: Cenarius's Glade.[/b][/u] Gronar's fast reaction managed to cut down the FelHounds not a moment too late. Before it had any time to drain much from the druid, the magical blade cut through the demon beast, freeing Malfurion from the danger of being drained of all his mana until he was but an empty husk. The young night elf fell to a knee, taking deep breaths before standing back up." Thank you, Gronar." He said, throwing a look at the demons, before using his magic to pull all the bodies under the ground just for good measure. "That could have ended badly if you weren't here. I should have been more careful." The druid admitted, before looking around and then at the orc." Well I will see if I can get your sword back, in the meantime, one of Cenarius's helpers will bring you some food and something to drink." The druid said before giving Gronar a final words of thanks and headed out into the forest, back to where they came from. It hadn't taken more than a couple of minutes before Gronar would be able to hear the sound of something moving in the forest and eventually see the distinct figure of a dryad looking at him from the edge of the glade before entering. She appeared young or at least young for her kind, no one could tell their actual age after all. As daugthers of cenarius they were extremely long lived if not immortal. She was carrying something in her hands, it was a big basket woven by wines and inside it there were wrapped in leaves peaces of cooked meat and what appeared to be a big wooden looking bottle. She placed the basket next to him then moved away, what seemed to be some safe distance as she studied him with great curiosity. The wooden bottle was sealed, but once Gronar unseals it, he would be able to smell the distinct smell of fermented alcohol. It was a beavarage made from fermented fruit juice." It's tasty..." The dryad finally said as she pointed the bottle. She seemed both curious about him nad cautious." You... carry some taint... it's old and faint?" She asked. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=6ecff6]Heda Runeclaw[/color][/h1][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/99811e01-102e-4792-9fb6-3be41f379d81/dcwkquf-e42176c9-0d30-44ce-b269-30154604b8bb.jpg[/img][hr][color=6ecff6][b]Location[/b][/color]: Red Flight Home Caverns - Chambers of Alexstrasza[/center][hr][hr] Heda went flying and hit the wall of the cavern, but didn't sustain much damage as she fell down on her legs, steeling herself. This thing was strong, but it's power came from it's unnatural constitution. She was pretty sure this was not a sustainable existance in the long run, but it appeared as if it could cause a lot of issues if left unchecked for the moment. She watched as Fabios spun around, dodging the attack by hairs breath, it's claws touching barely his armor as he returned to strike at it's hand. The sword couldn't quite cut through it's entire arm, but it managed to cut down all the way to the bone, stopping at the bone. The following spell, hit the creature as it screamed in pain, pulling it's arms back as if to hide from the holy light. As a demon this spell was quite effective on it and the only way it could be more effective would have been if it was an undead. Taking this opportunity, Heda spun into action as her body shifted. in movement, growing rapidly to her proper size along with ehr axe as she dashed at the beast.[color=6ecff6]" ODYN! "[/color] He voice echoed through the cavern as she swung her mighty axe. Suddenly the carved runes upon it came to life, brimming with energy as the axe seemed to as if call lightning. The glyph of Lightning was activated as she swung, sending a bolt at the creature. The lightning aimed true as it crackled through the air, hitting the beast right in one of it's heads, charing a big portion of it's body in hte process. To the regular onlookers it would appear the creature was heavily damaged, but Heda now knew better.[color=6ecff6]" DON'T STOP ATTACKING, IT CAN REGENERATE!"[/color] She roared as she jumped at the beast, axe still crackling with electricity as she chopped at one of it's shoulders. The attack cut through it's flesh, shattering the bone underneath because her axe simply was more massive and carried enough momentum than a sword. She nearly cut off it's arm, but didn't quite get the job done, instead causing it to hang off a few muscles that were still connected. The beast roared as it's body started to flame up, fire bursting all around it, powerful flames that were rapidly increasing in strenght. She couldn't quite believe this, it was pulling off the infernal traits despite not being an infernal, but she supposed it was part infernal... either that or this was a kind of immolation spell? She jumped back, instead.[color=6ecff6]" This thing is more problematic than actual demons..."[/color]