[color=dodgerblue][b]Name:[/b][/color] Blyskawica "Bly" Biala [color=dodgerblue][b]Callsign:[/b][/color] Tlaloc [color=dodgerblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 30 [color=dodgerblue][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] American [color=dodgerblue][b]DOB/Place:[/b][/color] January 2nd 1989, Los Angeles [color=dodgerblue][b]Service Record:[/b][/color] United States Marine Corps 3 years (Awarded a Purple Heart) Los Angeles Police Department 5 years, FBI Hostage Rescue Team 4 years [hider=SERVARE VITAS] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWxHSntBIlmbKbIGxEL_bGLkjsAFcCxkiAPuxuNYKAcdTctRBJ[/img] [/hider] [color=dodgerblue][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [hider=Out of Combat] [img]https://hairstylehub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Blue-Black-With-Silver-Accents.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=In Combat] [img]https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/7ae8a9add4877bc6498e06abcade7048/5D40B7A6/t51.2885-15/e35/c0.90.720.720/s480x480/27894397_181798522435122_7273477105176805376_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com[/img] [/hider] When not on duty Bly tends to wear outfits that most would describe as "grunge", finding herself at home in worn flannel over ragged t-shirts, worn jeans and Doc Martens. She rarely covers her head, preferring to let her dyed blue hair show. She's not exactly tall but is noticeably muscular, standing at 5'6" and weighing 164 pounds. [color=dodgerblue][b]Profile:[/b][/color]Bly is friendly and somewhat soft-spoken in person, preferring to negotiate or try and find common ground in arguments than raise her voice above her normal speaking volume. A trait that set her apart from many of her fellow Devil Dogs it nevertheless served her well when serving as a negotiator for the LAPD. She speaks with her hands, gesturing as she talks animatedly about any number of subjects ranging from contemporary art and pop culture to photography and cinema. She's worldly and cultured, spending much of her free time collecting antiques and curios. During a mission her primary goal is ensuring the welfare of any hostages or civilian bystanders in the area of operations, a by product of the death of her brother and her training as a police officer and HRT member. She places a premium on extreme aggression in an attempt to ensure that the opposition is crushed before they can do more harm. This reflected in her choice of weaponry, huge amounts of heavy ordance for clearing out hostiles and a nonlethal option for when there are civilians in the AO. [color=dodgerblue][b]Role:[/b][/color]Attack/Defense [color=dodgerblue][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Blyskawica Biala was born to family of Polish immigrants to the United States, the second of three children and the first to be born in California. Her childhood was somewhat unremarkable, earning decent grades in elementary and middle school, playing with the family dog (Szalony) and taking part in extracurricular sports such as soccer and softball. Her nickname was given to her by a friend that found "Blyskawica" completely unpronounceable. When shown how it was spelled this young acquaintance decided to refer to her simply as "Bly" and the name stuck. By the time she was fourteen Bly had decided on her career: she was going to be a photographer. A family friend ran a studio in the heart of Los Angeles and she spent much of her free time there, devoting hours and days to learning about lighting and how to develop her own photos. The young girl had a knack for it, winning multiple competitions and was dead set on studying photography in college until her brother died. Piotr was running errands and decided to take his little sister with him, the pair patiently waiting in line at a the jewelry store to pick out a necklace for his fiancee when it was robbed. Three masked stormed in, firing guns in the air and demanding that the safes be opened. Police were called and there was a tense three hour stand-off, neither side willing to back down. Bly and Piotr spent the time huddled in a corner, the brother whispering to his sister that everything was going to be okay. By the end of the third hour the gunmen were clearly nervous, arguing in hushed tones among themselves and brandishing their weapons as they screamed at hostages. A mistake was bound to be made at some point and it took the form of the one of the masked robber's pistols going on accidentally. In an instant the shooting started, windows and drywall being shattered as the police unloaded a hail of lead into the store, the bandits firing back. In less than twenty seconds it was all over. The casualties included the three gunmen, two officers and one hostage: Piotr. And just like that, Bly's life had changed for the worse. She didn't talk for more than a year after the incident, no longer showing interest in photography or sports or anything besides staying in her room. There was nothing for her anymore, her brother had been cut down by a stray bullet and she wished it had been her instead. But one can't grieve forever and she eventually recovered, albeit now lacking the will to apply herself in school. She barely managed to pass high school and was looking at minimum wage jobs near here when she saw an ad for the United States Marines. On a whim she decided to visit a recruiting office and signed up for active duty. Her parents found out about the decision when she was on her way to Camp Pendleton. She excelled in boot camp, finding that she enjoyed the rigorous training and daily routines. She passed through basic training and was shipped off to Afghanistan to serve in active duty. The first two tours of duty passed without major incident but on the third she caught a piece of flak from an IED, earning herself a Purple Heart in the process. While not life threatening it made her rethink her decisions. Why was she fighting in the middle of a desert when people back home needed her help? When the time for re-enlistment came she didn't sign the papers, catching a plane back to California and joining the LAPD. Bly was a good cop, following the book and training herself in preparation for her real goal: the SWAT team. After five years as a beat cop she got the job, receiving training in negotiation and serving multiple high risk warrants. Her track record attracted the attention of the FBI's prestigious Hostage Rescue Team where she served for four years until being inducted into Rainbow. [hider=Equipment] 1. [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8d/Atchisson_AA-12_Sideview.png]AA-12[/url](Primary) 32 Round Drum Mags (12 Gauge), Sightmark Ultra Shot Reflex Sight 2. [url=https://modernwarriors.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Vector-45SMG-1.jpg]KRISS Vector[/url](Secondary) 25 Round Mags(.45 ACP), 9SD Suppressor, SPARC 2 Red Dot Sight 3. [url=http://www.motherofallweapons.com/files/images/machine_gun-ultimax-100.jpg]Ultimax 100[/url](Primary) 100 Drum Mags (5.56mm) Trijicon MGRS Reflex Sight 4. [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/81/Kel-Tec_KSG.jpg/450px-Kel-Tec_KSG.jpg]KSG[/url](Secondary) Dual Tube System capable of holding 15 shells (12 gauge), EOtech EXPS2-0 Holosight 5. Zipties 6.Ka-Bar knife [url=https://www.pinterest.com/pin/345229127671002877/]OPERATOR GADGET: INDRA[/url] An experimental weapon designed for crowd control in situations where lethal force might be necessary. It has two settings helpfully labeled HIGH and LOW (or RARE and WELL-DONE if going by the bits of tape Bly stuck over them.) LOW is nonlethal, HIGH is very lethal indeed. INDRA has a range of roughly 60 feet and the current can pass through metal or other conductors. This is useful in situations where human shields are involved, allowed the Operator to incapacitate both the hostage and the suspect. [/hider]