"[color=orange]I'm just headed back home to Twilight town after picking up some goods in Sunfire.[/color]" His carriage seemed to slow down as it came closer to her. The rider seeming a bit worried. "[color=orange]You and your pet going to be ok out here all by yourselves?[/color]" [@Mogget] "[color=lightgreen]Oh please.[/color]" She came to the door quickly. Upon opening it an elderly woman with long white hair curled up in rows going down her back. Small white bark like antlers on her head with a yellow flower and a few vines hanging down them. Her eyes, for the few times they were visible, were a light green. Greying a little from her poor sight. On her simple white robe was the symbol of the sun as a necklace around her neck. "[color=lightgreen]Do come in.[/color]" She opened the door and let the boy in, but paused at the sight of the monster. "[color=lightgreen]Oh my. Is it possible for you to leave your pet outside?[/color]" Once Donovan was inside she would sit them down on a giant mushroom table with chairs with no back support. Yet she felt just fine on the cushioned fungus. In her hands and offered to Donovan was tea. "[color=lightgreen]While we Sol here in Sunfire don't mind it much. This tea clears out spores and pollen. It's nearly always spring here.[/color]" She had a kind face and lightly laughed. "[color=lightgreen]I do miss my grandchild. He just up and vanished. I sent the Taxis to find him but they said he left to be with a woman he's been seeing! But where is he? Why doesn't he let me see her or tell me where he is? Can you please find out for me? No one seems to believe me when I know there's something wrong here![/color]" [@Zealous Blade]