Watching Jett walk away was something she wasn't quite sure she knew how to feel about. On one hand, her game was effective and it sort of worked? On the other hand, she was by herself, left to her own accord and to her own vices at the breakfast. Poking at some eggs, she started to mull over what she did to make Jett walk away. Did it [i]really[/i] work? Well, she was sitting here by herself and Jett was over there with the other people. She had forgotten that she didn't know Jett like that just yet, and Jett wasn't entirely just some regular guy. She had forgotten that this wasn't Creepo Steve from the bar. This was Jett Ollison, a real life, high caliber musician who was worth his weight in gold. Poking at an egg, she was starting to feel somewhat guilty about what she did. Anna was [i]that bitch[/i], but she also wasn't [i]that[/i] bitch. Usually she wouldn't give half a shit about watching this guy walk away, but something about Jett walking away harshed her vibe. Considering that he was the first connection she made at this show, and to already light the bridge on fire was something that only Anna could accomplish. She looked back at the couch, where he sat down and joined the other people, people who weren't pulling shit like that. Anna sighed, poking at her eggs. Meanwhile, as Jett sat down, Nina, who was busy chewing on a sausage, had perked up upon seeing the musician. "Hey!" She beamed, her smile practically lighting up the entire room. Nina scooted over to make some room for Jett, before letting him sit down. "Good morning! How'd you sleep?" She asked, holding the brown sausage in her hand, "The beds here are soooooo comfy. I can't believe we have stuff as cool as this!" The girl beamed. But before Jett could really answer, the sounds of footsteps could be heard nearby. "Oh, hey there!" Nina beamed, again. Anna nodded, before taking a seat around the table. She didn't really want to look Jett in the eye right now, but she figured this gesture would at least do something, even if she didn't really wanna say anything. "Hey." She uttered, before looking down at her eggs. Nina turned back to Jett, before manipulating her body language to make the others feel more included, "What do you guys think of the house so far? I [i]love it[/i], personally."