[center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img][/center] [hr] [center][img] https://i.postimg.cc/mDGY30v6/tumblr-phqd7q-GV0d1x02c11o1-500.gif [/img][/center] [hr] [b][color=a187be][center][i] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w66bIopz0hc][ ♫ ][/url][/i][/center][/color][/b] [hr] New Year’s came and went as it did in Miso City. With it were the arrival of new forces, both of light and darkness. And yet, despite these new additions and the relative similarity they each brought, there was something amiss about the city. The weather became just a bit warmer but that didn’t stop the cold winds from sneaking up on inhabitants. Something was amiss, and it bugged Touka’s mind since the impromptu sleepover at Ami’s place. It was a week later since the day of, a Friday afternoon to mark the beginning of the weekend. [url=https://i.imgur.com/iMYD0qD.jpg]Touka[/url] had opted to hold no Detention Club meeting today, figuring the other girls would spend their time meandering and having fun around their city. Personally, Touka didn’t feel like speaking with most of them; there were too many factors to consider and keep in mind. Such as it were now that she stalked alone in Miso City’s streets, deciding to head home straight from school. Though of course, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t make a few stops on the way. After all, it was Friday. Ever since the Nightmare attack on Ami’s home, each of the dark girls could feel a surge of power budding inside them. Indeed, the boost they had received from it had done wonders…yet for some reason, it only resulted in a stinging pain in Touka’s chest. It wasn’t enough to deter her from normal function of day to day life, but it was beginning to aggravate her. And then there was Seyrun, who despite being pushed and goaded, hadn’t actually made a contract with a Mascot yet. Why was that? By now the two were partners and she joined the Detention Club, but she couldn’t transform into a Magical Girl, let alone a dark one. Was there something else Touka wasn’t seeing? There was no doubt among any of them Seyrun’s magical potential was exceptional. Then there was Kuro, the human-turned Mascot. And of course, the angelic Magical Girl that had entered their city, Luna’s murderer…in hindsight, there was a lot more going on than Touka had realized in just a few weeks. All the same, none of it made sense, and thinking on it wouldn’t give her answers either. But there was one mystery that was solvable, and the faint trace of it made her pause her step. She ignored the grumble close by, the person walking behind her having bumped against her stopped frame before moving on. The dark Magical Girl was rigid, sensing a light she hadn’t felt in some time. [color=springgreen][i]“This feels like… that’s the noob from that night in the park. The one in class…Yui,”[/i][/color] she thought, frowning. Ever since Seyrun had made such a bold proclamation, she hadn’t even bothered to confront the other girl about the matter. There were too many happenings at once for her to try; or maybe she was just running away. Regardless, she zeroed in on Yui’s location now and moved her feet towards her. There were things between them that needed to be settled. All the while, the afternoon sun dipped lower into the darkness of evening. It wasn’t enough to completely drench the city in shadow, but it did encourage some restless behavior from small-time Nightmares and even the mascots. It was as if the gods divine had turned their sights on this oasis of magic. [hr]