Their luxury of having a head-start somewhat paid off for Aark as Nebel had to reacquire their horse from the stables. 'Somewhat' being the term as the knight was fully conscious of every puddle or patch of dirt in the street that could potentially soil their freshly polished armor and boots. The initial vigor in their pace died out after a few blocks as the thoughts and perspective of the situation truly sank in. With the gift of the ring, they could presumably go anywhere of note in an instant, but they were a humble sort, wholly aware of what slim chance they had to stand against the goblinoid mob that no doubt desecrated and burned her estate every second she brooded, let alone the dragon presiding over the sordid affair. Alone, they were just another suit of armor and a strong set of arms. A joke for Drakengard to run japes upon with their summons, getting her hopes up over nothing. Aark's pace slowed as they walked past the first pub, catching a glance through a window of a game of 'knifey-fingers' while a fight broke out in the back. Hardly their taste, they continued walking, ignoring the muffled sound of smashing glass and shouts. Their shadow soon caught up on their pale steed, a nagging reminder of the deal she'd made as they continued a short ways ahead to rest at a second establishment they seemed familiar with in their rehearsed motions of dismounting and entering. With a sigh, the knight followed, somewhat content that the decision could be made for them. Soon after entering with their fellow Ispari brother in arms and objectively the closest thing Aark could equate to a 'best friend', they realized probably just how familiar not only their associate was with the tavern, but the patrons with [i]him[/i]. Aark was hardly surprised, assuming the man to be of the grim sort who made their own name known as hushed whispers on fearful lips, having the reactions of the regulars only confirm this. They made to take a step in before the hand of the bouncer reached out to stop them. "Ye can't bring tha blades in. Gotta leave 'em," they informed the knight who slowly and deliberately looked them over before wordlessly unclipping the custom scabbards from their armor and holding them out. The bouncer grabbed them and tried to pull them away, though Aark held firm for a moment, causing the man to raise an eyebrow as their owner implicatively stared in a direction supposedly through their eyes before gently releasing the weapons and turning to follow Nebel to the bar. Kaitra paid no real attention to the drunk; a parody of her land's noble glory passing out drunk and delusional in some foreign land's coalitional mercenary dive. Mantling the stool beside Nebel, she reached up to her chin to begin undoing belting and fasteners intended to prevent the sallet from being knocked off from force. [color=8882be]"Ich...kann deine Skepsis verstehen. Es gibt viele, die ihren Verstand mit der Asche eines zugefrorenen Landes ruhen lassen und nichts von seinem Erbe jenseits seiner Märchen und verblassenden Erinnerungen,"[/color] she began, holding a hand up to hail the bartender, [color=a187be]"Two pints ouf your richest stout, if you vould."[/color] With the order, she continued ther work, dropping the deeper ambiguous tone for her otherwise light yet still strong voice, veiled with a tone of wear from the day's events, [color=a187be]"Ich habe das Recht, in dieser Rüstung zu sterben, aber das Tragen ist etwas, das ich vorhatte...zumindest absichtlich,"[/color] They sighed, pulling their helmet off and pulling back the mail and coif to shake their hair free. Holding the helmet in their lap, they stared into the visor with shadows under their eyes for a palpable pause, [color=a187be]"Ich bin Kaitra Jatherine Elzbrn, die erste Tochter von Samael und Correldine, der Enkelin von Aarkenhan,"[/color] before her eyes turned to glare at Nebel and add, [color=a187be]"Sie kennen diesen Namen und Ihr Verhalten macht mir Sorgen." [/color] There was only a small pause this time, not enough for Nebel to speak, but enough for the words and expression to seep in before posing a question, [color=a187be]"Wo warst du, namenloser Jäger?"[/color]