[h2][color=gray]Ava - Dawn, Miricia[/color][/h2] [hr] The “Future of Karula” was surely looking bleak right now. The situation was worse than Ava had thought, you could cut the tension in the air with a knife, worse of all the current laws meant that she couldn’t move freely through Dawn, which complicated her mission. Not wanting to try to hide her ears and tail, she used her ability to half-shift to appear as a gray-haired stray dog, which let her roam the streets. Aside from the weird looks from being a three-legged dog, no one seemed to suspect she was a Laguz in disguise. Hanging around the main square while deciding what would be her next steps, Ava noticed a group of Albian knights entering a tavern. Curious about their reasons for being there, she got closer to the tavern, inspecting the door. Her current form presented a problem, she couldn't just push the door and enter it, dogs weren't allowed at taverns and at this point Laguz probably weren't welcome either, so she had to find another way to listen in. For now, she decided to sit outside the tavern and try her best to hear what was happening inside it, even if she couldn't hear everything they had to come out at some point.