Hearing Jett respond to Nina's question didn't really evoke a response from Anna. She looked up, fork stuffed in her mouth as she peeled the egg off the prongs. At this point, you could've replaced the fork with a foot and it wouldn't have made a single difference in the world. Nina, on the other hand, was more than ecstatic at Jett's response. Anna glanced at Nina and Jett, before feeling a slight stabbing pain in her chest and looking down. This was a mistake. Why would she bring herself closer to the person with whom she practically poured kerosene on and lit a match with? Nina had no idea that there was already some sort of tension on the show, but right now all she wanted to do was get to know Jett. Anna was there too, she guessed. "Right?" Nina exclaimed, biting off another piece of her sausage in the meantime, "If I knew things were this comfortable and the food was free earlier? I would've signed up for other shows way, way long ago." Nina was very happy with the accommodations, which if you thought about it, was kinda sad if this was all it took to really win the young, perky girl over. "It's like I'm sleeping on a cloud, dude!" Nina was in love with the special mattresses, even if they were just your run of the mill memory foam mattresses. It sure beat the shit out of whatever Nina slept on back at her home. Nina then noticed Anna, who was still poking at her food. Maybe she wanted to say something? Nina turned to Anna, before clearing her throat, "What about you? How do you like it here?" Nina asked. It took Anna a while to realize that a question was for her, so as she looked up to see at least one pair of eyes trained on her, she was a little surprised, to say the least. "Uh, me?" She asked, before swallowing the eggs in her mouth. "I guess... it's nice? The view's cool..." She trailed, looking down at her plate. She couldn't bear to look at Jett right now. "Aw, you got a view of the beach? I don't have that!" Nina frowned. "It's something." Anna replied. Nina shrugged again before deciding to propose another question to the group. "What do you guys think will happen over this summer? I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what happens between people. I know [i]some things[/i] have happened already." Nina said, glancing quickly at Jett, before back at the both of them. Anna looked up again, inhaling deeply. "Well... I'm in the camp of whatever happens, happens. I'm not really... forcing anything, if that makes sense."