[right][b][h3][color=f26522][i]Marc Kurosawa[/i][/color][/h3][/b][/right][hr][quote][u][b]Location [/b][/u] Southern District - ??? [u][b]Interacting With [/b][/u] N/A[/quote][hr] As he shuffled down the sidewalks, the boy could only pout and furrow his brows as he shifted his head at irregular variables, golden eyes gleaming for a split second before losing their luster. He could only silently mouth out boring to himself in the most exaggerated way possible before going back to fidgeting with his phone. [color=f26522]"Alleyway Ogre... The Steel Girder Lady... Yurei Inu..."[/color] He began murmuring as he scrolled through past Urban Legends he investigated. One was a lanky homeless man with thick clothing, the other was a LARPer who looked like Guts if he was a poorly made Gundam, and the latter was a Shiba Inu that got into flour before getting lost. Honestly, sitting on the curb and going over these stories seemed like a better alternative at this point as he caught something out of the corner of his eye. This gave him a bit of pause since the fellow in a car was in a poorly made disguise. And by that, it was just a cough mask and some tasteless dark shades. This was probably the best thing he could take note of when coming here today, other than those two supposed gangbangers who were drinking and frantically doing Sudoku like their life depended on it. Though, before he was going to look away, there was a nagging thought in the back of his mind that forced him to do a double take. Blinking, he quickly scrolled through, finding the topic labeled Yakuza: Tortured Souls and began scrolling through the topic before stopping upon seeing the name Kang Daehyon and some of the pictures posted before some of the members were told to knock it off by mods. Regardless, the pics matched the profile - bold eyebrows, combed auburn hair. Couldn't see the dudes eyes because of the gaudy shades, but it made Marc muse for a sec. If this really was this Kang Daehyon dude, what was his business here? Was he filming for a movie? Was he about to be ran off by one of his friggin' secretaries? Stopping time was a tempting thought, till he noticed one small detail outside of the guy being incognito - there was naught a soul in sight that looked to be recording this. A small, catlike grin formed as he began slinking not to far behind the guy, pretending to text someone on his phone. Marc didn't have to wait for long as the two briefly chattered before disappearing into the building, leaving an opportune chance for the boy to make a mad dash for the closing door. Thankfully, it was more than enough time as the blonde slid his foot between the frame and the door, preventing it from shutting. As it bounced on his foot, he slowly let the door shut, slowly and gently dragging his foot out before leaving it just a little open by the hair of his toe cap. He could feel the cool air escape the room as he leaned in, looking to listen for any sorts of information that could be deemed interesting.