[@LordOfTheNight] [hider=Updated review] Remember, things in weapons and armour are separated by a |. As for the other parts - for one, your stats are still too low. Second, the layout should look something like this with your [b]current[/b] stats; [b]STR [/b]10 (+0) | [b]DEX [/b]13 (+1) | [b]CON [/b]12 (+1) [b]INT [/b]10 (+0) | [b]WIS [/b]14 (+2) | [b]CHA [/b]14 (+2) I recommend going back to a point-buy calculator, and making sure that you have used all 27 of the points before writing them in. When it comes to Bard Features, you have things the wrong way round, I'm afraid. Bardic Inspiration is a class feature, not a spell; you've left the spellcasting feature in your class features, not put them in your Bardic Spellcasting rules. You may also want to break down the spell effects/descriptions - for Charm Person, all you need is the type of save (Wisdom), and what it does (inflicts charm). If it involves dice, you just need the dice - Healing word, 1d4+CharismaModifier. Your Charisma Modifier is the number you get [i]after[/i] compiling your scores - but a 10/11 is 0, a 12/13 is 1, and so on. This also applies to your spell save DC, which with your current stats should be 12, as both your Proficiency Bonus and your Charisma Modifier are +2. Additionally, though I again admit the fault is mine on this part, since I never specified their personalities, but Sebastian is far more likely to have been the one you met in that situation. [/hider] I admit I did kind of forget that you're a new player, but please remember if there are any questions, [i]you can ask[/i]. We were all new once, so it's not an issue for us to answer questions.