[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjg1ODU4NS5SR1ZoYmlCUWIzSjBaWElnUVd4c1pXNCwuMgAA/a-theme-for-murder.regular.png[/img][/center] Dean was pleased. As he had expected, the students had been immediately overwhelmed by the sudden flurry of angry birds. Whether that caused them to retreat or be injured was neither here nor there. It also gave him an opportunity to study the quirks of these students - if they were prospective heroes then it would make more sense to know what they could do and how to stop them if they ever ended up becoming active where he was active. So, for a few moments he scanned his eyes over the crowd, watching how the students dealt with his onslaught in their own unique ways. First his attention was drawn to a girl with messy brown hair and big, wide eyes. She was swarmed too, at first, before she started leaping around and chasing his soldiers. She clearly had some kind of animal mutation, albeit not an obvious one, and when he spotted the claws he couldn't help but smirk under his mask. Very cat-like indeed. The usual tables of nature had been turned, it seemed, when she was clearly too overwhelmed. Then the tall hispanic, shielding her face from the pecks and the scratches as she talked with another student. The birds didn't seem to effect her that much, but that didn't matter. She was distracted anyway. Then suddenly, the cold. Now, that was a bit more concerning. He drew a good portion of the birds in that area out and directed them to other areas. A student surely couldn't use a quirk like that for very long, so all he had to do was wait it out and attack other students. Then there was the boy who didn't exactly use this opportunity to demonstrate his quirk - unless killing birds with a chair was a quirk. As the corpse of a bird sailed towards him, he caught it in his hand, before throwing it back the way it came. A bird's death was always a shame - but it was for the greater good. It knew that. And as long as his crow remained okay, it didn't matter. Then moth girl. She seemed just as vulnerable as the cat, and Dean grinned as his army zoned in on her. The gusts of wind temporarily blew them away, but temporarily was the key, and they kept at it. He turned to see Sharkman as he swung his chain at the cold girl. That was good, but moth girl managed to dive her out of the way at the last second - albeit getting herself a nasty gash. That took her out of the fight. Looked like the League of Villains was winning this scrap in a rather decisive manner, even if the students tried their hardest to put up a strong fight. But there was still a conundrum - should the heroes be allowed to escape. The logical answer was yes - but impacts needed to be made. Messages needed to be taught. He glanced to the side, seeing The Ripper about to confront cat, cold and sparky. Meanwhile, a spinning rock had been drilled through the ceiling, launched by the muscular girl. He was confident in Jackie's ability to hold off the students, even if she was young, so the question arose - where to direct his army too now? He looked up into the hole that was created in the ceiling. There was a student up there, and he could prevent more going up. At once, about 40% of the birds on the ground floor flurried up into the hole, back on attack mode.