[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Victor Bonheur[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.imgur.com/2jArSRj.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Camp Mexico Beach: (Inside Quarantine: W) Conference Room [b]Skills:[/b] N/A[/center][hr]As lucky as Victor had already been, his luck seemed to continue moving upward and onward. He watched the others as they had issues with handling the regular and full meals while his he breezed by happy as a pig in shit with his food in his tummy. His cough had completely gone as well, the cause having been allergies the entire time which he was very thankful for. His bloods were also clear from any disease or infection which Victor was far happier for than he could put into words. After having had to remove some of his toes on the road, he had worried that something had managed to slip into his bloodstream. He was more thankful than he could begin to say. And yet, Victor was still not comfortable here despite all the good it was bringing him. Everyone had been given a job Day One, his was to clean the conference room at the end of each day alongside Thalia, the young woman who was missing her lower arm. He made a purposeful point to treat her no differently due to her loss of limb as he knew that he would not want to be treated differently were he in the same position. She was not incapable just because she was one limb down. It was the same way that Victor made a point to treat Alexander as well. So what if he was missing his lower leg? He could move around just fine and was given crutches so there was no need to treat him any differently. Victor was fine being given a job but he wished that some of the people staying in quarantine were just a little bit less untidy in the communal area. Granted he was not vocal about his annoyance but anyone that knew him would have been aware of the look of irritation that would grace his face while he cleaned. Victor was pleased seeing Tati, Jack and Jamie together and was so grateful that their hosts were allowing Jamie to always be with one parent while the other was working. He made a point to thank Amelia for being so gracious with sharing two different job tasks with Jack and Tati. Victor spent as much time as possible with his family, sparing moments here or there to have casual conversation with Ashton and Amelia, and even sometimes Riley when she was with Amelia during their chats. He never shied away from anyone wishing to speak with him during their time trapped together, but he didn't make active efforts to speak to anyone beyond general chit chat, generally with the other party starting it. When they were informed of the upcoming interviews, Victor found himself running his hands through his beard in thought, and he wondered if he could pull off what he intended to do. It was day four within the building walls, breakfast had been and gone, Victor was quite content sitting on a chair by Ash, Jack and Jamie. Tati was due to head off to continue her teaching of dance to Thalia and Wayne, although it didn't look like Wayne was going to take part that morning as Victor glanced over to see him looking through old VHS tapes by the TV. Panama called out that he was going to play cards and asked if anyone wished to join. The notion did take Victor but he also wanted to continue spending time with his loved ones. He opted to stay where he was, despite the opportunity to speak perhaps more with a member of this community, he'd have the time to do it soon. He doubted Panama would be one that would say anything of much worth anyway. He had been more intrigued by Major, who rarely spoke at all but he knew he'd never learn anything from her either. Although, he wouldn't mind trying to get to know her... He caught himself and turned back, smiling warmly as he looked back to Jamie, his fingers intertwined as they rested in his lap. He considered if he would finally muster up some willpower today to find a book and read like he did, once upon a day in a life time far far away. No, not today. He was still too uncomfortable in this place to allow himself to get lost in another. Even if it was only just in his mind. He did recall the Dr. Seuss books that he had seen by Amelia's seat that first day he arrived, but he wasn't sure where they had got to. Once he felt more comfortable he would grab them and read them to little Jamie with Jack and Tati. He had read those same books to his own children, while teaching them English. He smiled at the memory and let it warm him a little on the inside. A rare moment of sorrowful joy that Victor allowed to enter his mind. Sadly it moved from the joy to plain sorrow when Victor saw a familiar face on the TV screen. Was that Gavin? Victor moved from his chair and got a little closer, watching the young woman figure moving and then, when she turned around Victor's breath caught. Zoie. But no, wait, the hair was different and she moved differently. More controlled. It was Thana. Victor's heart shot into his throat and as she began to sing and he felt the sting in his eyes, his lower lip trembling as he listened to her voice. She may not have been Zoie but she sounded so alike her. His breathing caught as he slunk down onto his knees, watching the TV curiously before his mind snapped into the here and now and he looked over to watch Ash's reaction, his tears now stopped but the moisture sitting on his cheeks and running through his beard.[hr]