Upon noting that so many people were sampling the biscuits that she had ordered specifically for herself and Saturday, Arinne narrowed her eyes in irritation. At least glancing towards Saturday made her somewhat less annoyed. "Next time I'll order a batch laced with Bitrex and dead spiders," she commented, loud enough to be heard. Not simply due to annoyance, but also because the idea of her servants worriedly checking any food well before eating it was incredibly amusing to her. There was also pair of late arrivals, the lady knight Grain Blackmore and someone she knew from her childhood, Lillia Avemaria. Naturally, the both of them would need some further clarification on just what was occurring. "In any case, for the tardy ones," she added, leaning back in her seat, "We've been discussing that murderer. Jack the Ripper of 2019. As as been discussed, the killer has used some form of magic in order to displace the victims' organs from inside their bodies, as Miss Selas stated. As for why I'm so interested, well..." She shrugged. What was left unsaid was one of the most clear reasons for Arinne's personal interest in this killer: Her parents had been killed with magic that attacked the interior of their bodies while leaving the exterior unscathed. "As Mister Kissinger said, medical knowledge and magical knowledge both would be required for this method of killing, especially to do it so swiftly and thoroughly that there is little opportunity for a struggle," continued the small blonde, "With consideration to displacement sorcery combined with medical knowledge, well... I rather think it's unlikely this is simply any random mage, even if they are new to crime and desperate." She cocked her head to one side, with a smile. "Such knowledge combined with potent magic of such a narrow field... I wonder where [i]ever[/i] such a mage could spend their time, and what profession they could hold?" She didn't directly state it, but Arinne's suspicions weren't exactly subtle. She suspected a member of the Tower's faculty. No-one specific as of yet... "But there's no way to find out more information without seeing the crime scene for ourselves." One hand returned to Saturday's head, stroking her hair lightly as she did. "Fufu, you're just devouring those biscuits... are you a kitten, or a hamster? Just how many of those have you eaten, now?" she asked, suddenly breaking from her more serious discussion, "Beware, Saturday, of gaining weight. What would I do with you if you became squishy? Use you as a cushion?" Of course, she didn't expect Saturday was at risk of such a thing, but the amusement of seeing her reaction to having such things said about her in front of so many people was enough motivation. "But matters of Saturday's cuteness aside, we're going to be visiting the crime scenes," stated Arinne, her attention returning to the room at large. "Myself, Saturday, Lillia, and Mister St. John visit the site of the first murder, Miss Selas, Mister Kissinger, and Lady Blackmore will visit the second, and Miss Dalraan, Mister Murakami, and Mister Vadris will visit the site of the third." Arinne steepled her fingers once more, leaning forward. "That's the best way to gather more information, you see." [@TheFake][@Raineh Daze][@Aviaire][@KoL][@Rin][@Chi][@Bartimaeus][@Rabidporcupine][@Anza]