Heys! I'm a guy. A guy who writes. I like writing so much I want to write with other people. I want to write whole stories with them! Big stories, moderately-sized stories, small stories that don't like it when you call them little because they have a height complex, stories about how we comfort the aforementioned little stories with proper talk therapy about their insecurities, stories about taxes, and stories with the closure we never got that one time we were stood up at the theater because SOMEONE couldn't get their act together and say what needed to be said. Anyways, if you made this far, I congratulate you for no reason in particular! Huzzah! Now to the cake! The Gravy! The delicious center of those weirdly-easy-to-chew candies that might as well just be nothing but their delectable fillings! I want to RP! You might be able to help me. I'm looking to RP a casual-advanced scenario involving an OC wizard-universe concept that probably is but isn't what you think it is all at the same time. You'll be a character from Earth who gets pulled into some crazy stuff with some crazy people to have some crazy times that end up teaching you stuff that your weird noodle-noggin might think is pretty neat. Anyways, if I haven't lost you yet, I require something before you can pass under the bridge! A toll! A metaphorical troll toll! I need to see a solid post of yours before we get going. Don't wanna waste any more time than I already did in this post with unnecessary rambling. PM me and let's dance! Verbally though, my real life legs don't work quite so well as my linguistic ones xD Just be ready to have a crazy and fun time! Maybe it'll be more than that with some ooey-gooey romance and serious themes and cookie-cutter slice-of-weird-life themes. Idk, you'll just have to take the leap and see! [hider=My latest post! It might suck and have no context, but, at least it's current. :D]Dan shirked away as he consistently did with Anora's abrasive state, he didn't appear to entirely understand or appreciate her current mindset as something he could grow accustomed to. He sputtered into speaking with anxiety against the waves of ever-angered questions. "Th-th-they, uhm, well, like, the people I do jobs for, they said that Pahn was creating some sort of super-weapon here. They needed to send someone who could, y'know, like, actually neutralize it if he turns out to be hostile...-" He scratches at the back of his head before jamming his thumbs inside white-knuckled palms that pace with force against his thighs. "-I mean, the people who asked me to come here, not, like, my bosses necessarily, but, uhm, the ones who thought I could benefit from a trip here, they, uh, they call themselves 'The Council'. They're a sort of, uh, a network of wizards set up to guarantee all forms of non-hostile trade in the universe at large... W-we also, like-! Y'know, we come together if there's some sort of big threat, or whatever..." Dan shivers visibly due to whatever combination of exhaustion and stress may be coiling its vicious body around his maladjusted mind. *Cough-cough, Whe-heeze!* Dan coughs and wheezes for a few short moments, his shoulders rattling like the legs of a chair getting ready to give under too much weight. Quickly, he finished coughing and came back to slouching as he tends to with both hands either anxiously pacing his thighs or gesticulating gently towards Anora. "W-well Darsby, here, he will be helping with direction. I mean, you didn't exactly, interact with Pahn, but, uhm, we believe a distant ancestor of yours was one of his creations, err, associates?" Dan scratches at his head with the ending of that last statement/question. During the aforementioned fit of coughing, Darsby performed a fast and nearly undetectable action. The man leaned towards Anora at incredibly fast speeds, and, without permission, tapped his finger against the small wound on her arm. There was a miniscule drop of blood atop Darsby's finger as he leaned back into his seat, having finished that entire movement in under a second. Somehow, her arm wouldn't hurt any more than it already had, and no bandage or scab had been opened. Darsby breaths a small cloud of greyish smoke into his lap, this cloud evaporates once it had reached about the size of a small jewelry box. What is left in its wake is a small black cube. Darsby touches the blood against its top surface, the box then morphs and shifts its shape into that of a sphere with very small, rough looking details tapering its surface. Eventually, blues and greens and greys fill this orb with creamy hues. After about three or four seconds, it was clear that this globe was turning into a small replica of Earth with Darsby keeping his finger locked against its upper side. He eventually retracted his finger from the top, the strange object shrinking all at once with a thin silver chord attached to it to form what looks to be a necklace. "Wear this please." Darsby would say to Anora without flinching as if everything that had just happened was what everyone should have expected. His consistently deadpan features would do nothing to alight our young woman of what it is that had just specifically occurred. "Yes, uhm, this Quenz-Box should, uh, it should let you know, sort of, empathically, which way we need to be going." Dan blushes at Darsby while he gestures towards the small necklace with Earth as it's jewel. The clouds and oceans appeared to be moving in real-time atop its faintly reflective surface. Ahllasta continued to display annoyance at the puttering descriptions of Dan. Perhaps it was just this man that rubbed her raw; perhaps it was the subject matter. Regardless, her lower lip wasn't likely to survive the gnawing of those ferociously sharp canines. Should Anora touch the necklace, she'd hear a strange breeze. Winds and cawing birds would fill her ears, drops of water gently touching upon leaves and the scent of grass accompanied by thoughts of fruit would fill her mind. These thoughts and images wouldn't occupy her entire mind; it's as if her consciousness were a house and someone had flipped on the TV in a room near the one she was occupying. This TV would display distant images of what looked to be some rainforest with vast plains and tall mountains. Strangely, these images blurrily collided with the thoughts of some Chinese or perhaps Japanese city, in all of its concrete wonder shooting as towers into the sky. She would feel some compulsion to continue down this road they were driving on with an eventual inkling to turn right at some point. [/hider]