Blackout Karnariel glares at Lexianna. "We're not here to talk to the Usurpers. We want them dead so our lives can find some sense of normalcy." The crowded tent murmurs in agreement. Karnariel takes a moment to calm himself. "West point is unassailable by sea. It's coast is nothing but mile high shear cliff wall. Not to mention the ever present storms. East Point or more specifically, Midnight Bastille, is unassailable due to the previously mentioned Bounded Field. It repulses any who do not have the authority to enter. What worries me though, is that we've heard no word from East Point in weeks. Also, no one whose gone to investigate has returned." "I understand your want to hold life sacred. But these sinners are beyond salvation." Elsewhere in the Blackout Shadow rides into the clearing. His servant follows close behind. Shadow motions for his servant to halt. "This is close enough Lloyd. We don't want to intimidate our guest." Shadow dismounts and approaches Lexianna. "I assume you've met the rebels? It's the only reason I can assume you've chosen the words: settle our differences. I've no interest in cutting deals with terrorists. They want to kill me because I've made their lives better. It's nonsense." Shadow shifts his weight. Eyes flickering over Lexianna, scanning for any information.