[i]Carmilla Arde[/i] [hr] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/a/a6/193.png/revision/latest?cb=20160729075811[/img][/center] [hr] [center]The Modern Crusade[/center] [hr] In the godforsaken city of Raqqa Only the hot breeze carrying residue of sand and dirt is the only audible sound you can hear. It was silent as a crypt. The stench of gunpowder and iron loams in the air. Territorial disputes are common in these parts, As two factions duke it out for the battle of supremacy. Whereas a small town located in that area was desecrated and was freshly painted in red as countless civilian bodies were impaled from where they stand. Metal spikes sprouting from corpses making the once populated town an unpleasant sight to bare. You can tell there was an inhumane execution beforehand. A one-sided massacre if you will.. In that carnage lies a maiden. A beautiful maiden that stands tall to all of the remaining survivors, along with her brothers in arms, wielding the flag of the "hammers". She lets out a sigh before speaking. Standing firm, holding a strange spear at hand. She glares at people, skimming the area, almost tasting the fear from their sheer terrified look on their faces only to be met by her cold deadpan cast. [b]"Listen up! I gave them the chance to yield. Unfortunately, they are unwise and chose poorly, Know your place dogs! If this was my other brethrens, none of you will be spared. Consider yourselves lucky, Cooperate and you might just live throughout this."[/b] She snarled, leaving an ominous threat to the remaining survivors. The spear maiden paused and snorted, looking down upon the remaining terrified people. Without another word, She left the area and return to their temporal camp, knowing that her declaration of conquest was sent and got straight in their heads. A mic drop if you will. This piece of land belongs to the Hammers now. Ruled by fear under her command.