The pack was left in a state of uncertainty. Janius crossed his arms. "That's odd. He calls us all out here and then only shows Meesei?" "He said it would not take long," Fendros reminded. "Maybe it's just something different." Rhazii was looking around to Julan and Narsi with a wry smile. "Whatever's behind that door, I bet Meesei's going to be coming out carrying it, and it's going to be something amazing." He lowered one eyebrow. "Narsi, are you listening?" "Huh?" Narsi shook her eyes away from the equipment under construction in the forges. "What'd you say?" "Nevermind," Rhazii sighed. Meanwhile, Janius pointed forward at the door. "You know what I think? I think he's finally made a full suit of armour Meesei's going to wear. I have no idea what it will look like, but that would be surprising enough for me to see."