[@EnterTheHero] [@Noodles] [color=a187be]"Loguetown, huh? Funny that..."[/color] Handel shot a look at Arafael, punctuating the coincidence that both the Marine Lieutenant and Kurt wanted to go to the same place. [color=a187be]"Y'see, my captain's a bit of a free spirit, I don't even know where we're heading after this. But any self-respecting pirate's gotta go to the Grand Line at some point, and I think we're up to the task. So hop aboard, Kurt. You can call me Commander Hallelujah."[/color] The smoke billowing up in the distance and the waves of warm air coming from the island didn't bode well. Was this the living dragon's fire? And did he really join the crew on a whim? She really should have given someone a den den mushi before they disembarked. [color=a187be]"Hey kid,"[/color] Handel tossed Kurt a small den den mushi she had in one of her many coat pockets. [color=a187be]"A smart crew is a living crew, and a smart crew always stays in communication; a lesson I'm learning the hard way right now."[/color] She stared off at the pillar of smoke with a worried expression. At this point all she could do was trust in the strengths of her comrades and hope for the best. She couldn't leave the ship what with her gambit with Arafael still tense and unresolved.